Karl Kuan Zhang
A Selective Publication List

 I.    Academic Writings

“Yu Dafu and German Literature,” Fudan UniversityAcademic Journal,Humanities Edition, Issue 3, 1984, Shanghai (xx-xx).

“A Tentative Discuss on the European Influences and Chinese Poetic Traditionin Fengzhi’s Poetry,” Literary Review, Issue 4, 1984, Beijing (74-88).The essay was quoted by Professors Wolfgang Kubin, Marian Galik, AndriaHsia, Goatkate Lantan in their studies on the literary relations betweenEuropean and Chinese literatures.

“A Comparative Study on Li Po and Goethe’s Poetry,” Selected Essaysof Fudan University Graduate Students, Shanghai, 1985 (xx-xx). Theessay derives from a chapter of my master thesis and was republished inthe “Dictionary of Literary Research,” Shanghai, 1992 (xx-xx).

“The Art of Translation: A Review of the Current Three Chinese FaustTranslations,” Beijing Review of Books, Issue 11, 1983 (xx-xx).

“Comparative Literature in China—History and Current Situation,” Referencesfor Literary Research, Issue 10, 1985, Beijing (xx-xx).

Contributed to Feng Zhi, The Sonneteer, edited by Wolfgang Kubin,Bonn: Internationes 1987 (Bilingual in Chinese and German, with introductionand translation of Feng’s 26 sonnets into German).

“Chinese Studies in Europe--History and Current Situation,” Referencesfor Literary Research, Issue 10, 1987, Beijing (xx-xx).

“The Non-European Otherness--From Orientalism to Occidentalism,” BeijingReview of Books, Issue 9, 1993 (3-9). Lead essay, caused debate notonly in China, but also in the West. Beijing Review of Books is the Chinese equivalent of The New York Review of Books, thereforequite reputable and influential.

“The Trap of Freud’s Psychoanalysis, A Reading of De Leuze and Guttari’Anti-Oedipus,” frontline essay, Beijing Review of Books,Issue 10, 1993 (78-86). The essay also discusses the
possible application of the Freud’s theory in analyzing traditionalChinese “inner chamber poetry.”

“The Undermining of the Canon—A Report on the ‘Great Debate’ in theAmerican Higher Education and its Relevance to the Chinese Cultural Reconstruction,”frontline essay, Beijing
Review of Books, Issue 1, 1994 (117-124).

“Introduction to New Historicism,” frontline essay, Beijing Reviewof Books, Issue 9, 1994 (106-113).

“Postcolonial Criticism Reconsidered,” lead essay, Beijing Reviewof Books, Issue 10, 1994 (8-15).  A response to the debate thefirst essay has initialized. This well-balanced frontline essay earnedme quite some name and I was invited, as the only “graduate scholar” toTrier University, Germany in spring 1996 to give a talk on the transitionof China images in the West at a symposium attended by the first rankingEuropean and American China scholars (The Volkswagen Foundation paid everythingfor a very selective group of participants).

“Backlash—The Antifeminist Thinking in Contemporary America,” lead essay,Beijing Review of Books, Issue 8, 1995 (3-10). A timely publicationbecause of the World Women Congress in Beijing that very month.

“The Feminist ‘Fascist’—A Reading of Paglia’ Sexual Personae,”frontline essay, Beijing Review of Books, Issue 6, 1996 (29-37).

“The Feminist Turn,” Orient, Beijing, Issue 3, 1995 (xx-xx).

“Notes to Feminist Criticism,” Foreign Literature Review, Beijing,Issue 4, 1995 (34-41).

“The Probability of Cultural Colonialism,” an expanded version of “PostcolonialCriticismReconsidered,” Tianya, Haikou, Issue 4, 1996 (43-58).

“The Predicament of Postcolonial Criticism in China” in ChineseThought in a
Global Context--A Dialogue Between Chinese & Western PhilosophicalApproaches, ed. by Karl Heinz Pohl, Leiden.Boston.Koeln: Brill, 1999(58-72).

 “Houzhimin piping de diaogu,” a revised edition of the articleabove in Chinese, Shanghai, Wanxiang, 02/00 (112-118).

 “Linking Chinese Heritage School and the College Chinese Teachingin America,” in Essays on Chinese Education in the United States, selectedproceedings of the Third National Conference of Chinese School Associationin the United States, FacificCom, 2000 (xx-xx).

II.     Creative Writings

Around 20 poems published includingsonnets, ballads lyrics and classical style
in Chinese.

III. Translations

Translated around 200,000 words from English and German into Chinese
  in the areas of China studies, comparative literature and culturalstudies.

Sample Writings in Chinese (picture file):
1. The Predicament of Postcolonial Criticismin China

Academic Writings in Chinese (needs Chinese support to read)