Project 2
Partner: Gary Macfadden
Part 1
Write a MATLAB code that uses adaptive quadrature to compute the arc length from t=0 to t=T
Part 1 MATLAB , adapquad function , bezier parametric function , Part 1 output ,
Part 2
For a given fraction of the curve s, find what time is needed to plug into the parametrized path to get to the point on the plot that correconds with the fraction s using the bisection method.
Part 2 MATLAB , Part 2 function call , Part 2 output ,
Part 3
Equipartition the path into n subpaths for n=4 and n=20.
Part 3 MATLAB , n=4 plot , n=20 plot ,
Part 4
Replace the Bisection method with Newton's method, repeat steps 2 and 3.
Part 4 function call , Source code for plotting , n=4 plot , n=20 plot
Computation time is increased by this replacement. The necessary derivative for the newtons method is the parametrized function.
Solutions to part 5, 6, 7 as well as independant solutions to the first 4 parts can be found on Gary Macfadden's website.
Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
