% Program 5.2 Adaptive Quadrature % Computes approximation to definite integral % Inputs: inline function f, interval a0,b0, % error tolerance tol0 % Output: approximate definite integral function sum = adapquad(f_t,a0,b0,tol0) sum=0; n=1; a(1)=a0; b(1)=b0; tol(1)=tol0; app(1)=trap(f_t,a,b); while n > 0 % n is current position at end of the list c = (a(n)+b(n))/2; oldapp=app(n); app(n)=trap(f_t,a(n),c);app(n+1) = trap(f_t,c,b(n)); if abs(oldapp-(app(n)+app(n+1))) < 3*tol(n) sum = sum + app(n) + app(n+1); % success n=n-1; % done with interval else % divide into two intervals b(n+1)=b(n); b(n)=c; % set up new intervals a(n+1)=c; tol(n)=tol(n)/2; tol(n+1) = tol(n); n=n+1; % go to end of list, repeat end end function s=trap(f_t,a,b) s = (f_t(a)+f_t(b))*(b-a)/2;