Wheeler, T., L. N. Smith, S. E. Bachus, C. G. McDonald, K. J. Fryxell, R. F. Smith (2013) Low-dose adolescent nicotine and methylphenidate have additive effects on adult behavior and neurochemistry. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 103, 723-734.
Locklear, L. L., C. G. McDonald, R. F. Smith, and K. J. Fryxell (2012) Adult mice voluntarily progress to nicotine dependence in an oral self-selection assay. Neuropharmacology 63, 582-592.
Fryxell, K. J. (2011) CADASIL: molecular mechanisms and animal models. pp. 551-576 in: Animal Models of Dementia, Neuromethods, vol. 48, P. P. De Deyn and D. Van Dam, eds. (W. Walz, series editor). Humana Press, New York.
Greenwood, P. M., M.-K. Lin, R. Sundararajan, K. J. Fryxell and R. Parasuraman (2009) Synergistic effects of genetic variation in nicotinic and muscarinic receptors on visual attention but not working memory. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 3633-3638.
Greenwood, P. M., R. Sundararajan, M.-K. Lin, K. J. Fryxell and R. Parasuraman (2009) Both a nicotinic and a noradrenergic SNP modulate working memory performance when attention is manipulated. J. Cognitive Neurosci., 21, 2139-2153.
Fryxell, K. J. (2008) The evolution of codon bias in cyanobacteria. Nova Hedwigia, 133, 285-304.
Polesskaya, O. O., K. J. Fryxell, A. D. Merchant, L. L. Locklear , K.-F. Ker, C. G. McDonald, A. K. Eppolito, L. N. Smith, T. L. Wheeler, R. F. Smith (2007) Nicotine causes age-dependent changes in gene expression in the adolescent female rat brain. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 29, 126-140.
Polesskaya, O. O., R. F. Smith and K. J. Fryxell (2007) Chronic nicotine doses down-regulate PDE4 isoforms that are targets of antidepressants in adolescent female rats. Biol. Psychiatry 61, 56-64.
Fryxell, K. J., and W.-J. Moon (2005) CpG mutation rates in the human genome are highly dependent on local GC content. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22, 650-658.
Popov, S. G., T. G. Popova, S. Hopkins, R. S. Weinstein, R. MacAfee, K. J. Fryxell, V. Chandhoke, C. Bailey and K. Alibek (2005) Effective antiprotease-antibiotic treatment of experimental anthrax. BMC Infectious Diseases 5, 25.
Fryxell, K. J., M. Soderlund, and T. V. Jordan (2001) An animal model for the molecular genetics of CADASIL. Stroke 32, 6-11. [This article was featured in the lead editorial in this issue of Stroke.]
Fryxell, K. J. and E. Zuckerkandl (2000) Cytosine deamination plays a primary role in the evolution of mammalian isochores. Mol. Biol. Evol. 17, 1371-1383.
Isa, A. M., K. J. Fryxell, M. S. Salama and A. A. A. El-Magd (1998) Detection of the Notch gene in Pectinophora gossyiella (Lepidoptera-Gelechiidae). J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. 27(E), 231-242.
Isa, A.M., K. J. Fryxell, M. S. Salama and A. A. A. El-Magd (1998) The pink bollworm Notch (Potch) is highly homologous with the Drosophila Notch. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. 27(E), 243-255.
Jordan, T. V., H. Shike, V. Boulo, V. Cedeno, Q. Fang, B. S. Davis, M. Jacobs-Lorena, S. Higgs, K. J. Fryxell and J. C. Burns (1998) Pantropic retroviral vectors mediate somatic cell transformation and expression of foreign genes in dipteran insects. Insect Mol. Biol. 7, 215-222.
Fryxell, K. J. (1996) The coevolution of gene family trees. Trends Genet. 12, 364-369.
Fryxell, K. J. and T. A. Miller (1995) Autocidal biological control: a general strategy for insect control based on genetic transformation with a highly conserved gene. J. Econ. Entomol. 88, 1221-1232.
Fryxell, K. J. and C. P. Wood (1995) Genetic mosaic analysis of the equatorial-less mutation in Drosophila melanogaster. Dev. Genet. 16, 264-272. [This article was featured on the cover of Developmental Genetics.]
Fryxell, K. J. (1995) The evolutionary divergence of neurotransmitter receptors and second messenger pathways. J. Mol. Evol. 41, 85-97.
Miller, T. A., K. J. Fryxell and S. Thibault (1994) Expression of diapause protein in pink bollworm. Proc. 1994 Beltwide Cotton Conf. 2, 928-931.
Fryxell, K. J. and T. A. Miller (1994) Progress report on genetic engineering of pink bollworm. Proc. Int. Cotton Pest Work Comm., Nov. 1993, pp. 135-138.
Miller, T. A., M. Salama and K. Fryxell (1994) Injection of diapause protein antiserum into pink bollworm broke diapause giving larval-pupal intermediates. Proc. Int. Cotton Pest Work Comm., Nov. 1993, pp. 139-147.
Fryxell, K. J. (1994) The evolution of the dopamine receptor gene family. In: Dopamine Receptors and Transporters (H. B. Niznik, ed.), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York. pp. 237-263. [This is an invited book chapter, which also includes an appendix entitled "Quantitative amino acid sequence comparisons of dopamine and adrenergic receptors."]
Fryxell, K. J. and J. P. Kumar (1992) Characterization of the radiation-sensitive stage in the development of the compound eye of Drosophila. Mutat. Res. 285, 181-189.
Fryxell, K. J., J. P. Kumar and J. L. Johnson (1992) A rapid and efficient method of subcloning into transformation vectors. BioTechniques 13, 28-29.
Fryxell, K. J., C. P. Wood and J. P. Kumar (1992) Improved procedures for P element-mediated transformation of D. melanogaster. Dros. Inf. Serv. 71, 163-164.
Fryxell, K. J. and E. M. Meyerowitz (1991) The evolution of rhodopsins and neurotransmitter receptors. J. Mol. Evol. 33, 367-378.
Fryxell, K. J. and E. M. Meyerowitz (1987) An opsin gene that is expressed only in the R7 photoreceptor cell of Drosophila. EMBO J. 6, 443-451.
Fryxell, K. J., D. R. Balzer Jr., and J. P. Brockes (1983) Development and applications of a solid phase radioimmunoassay for the P0 protein of peripheral myelin. J. Neurochem. 40, 538-546.
Brockes, J. P., K. J. Fryxell and G. E. Lemke (1981) Studies on cultured Schwann cells: the induction of myelin synthesis, and the control of their proliferation by a new growth factor. J. Exp. Biol. 95, 215-230.
Fryxell, K. J. (1980) Synthesis of sulfatide by cultured rat Schwann cells. J. Neurochem. 35, 1461-1464.