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Imagine...a world so wild, so out there, so new, so over the top, that it becomes beyond comprehension. Forget thinking inside the parameters of nature, thinking outside the box will be completely needed when thinking about this topic; a topic that is taken straight out of the comic book, and on the pages of possible history. Imagine a world where humans lived with the presence of robots that were a superior race, or a world where innovations of a lifetime, happened every hour. This is the world we are approaching, and that time where this the complete transition happen from real to imaginative happens is called the Technological Singularity.

So what is the Singularity anyways?

Sources: Image: Bethel, Jonathan McGregor. Singularity. N.d. omegapoint.org. N.p., 12 Oct. 2006. Web. 8 Apr. 2012. http://www.omegapoint.org/singularity1.jpg . Picture of the singularity

Video: National Science Week, and Vernor Vinge. Vernor Vinge on the Technological Singularity. Youtube.com. Singularity Summit at National Science Week in Australia, 7 Feb. 2011. Web. 8 Apr. 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zMAiGcDHG8 Video on Singularity