• SYST 210: System Design

    This course introduces the systems engineering design and integration process, including the development of functional, physical, and allocated architectures. The emphasis of this course is on requirements engineering, functional modeling for design, formulation and analysis of physical design alternatives. Methods and software tools for systems engineering design and System Modeling Language (SysML) are introduced.

    Text and Reference books

    SYST 584: Heterogeneous Data Fusion

    This course introduces the theory, design, and implementation of multi-source information fusion systems in various domains. This course covers foundations of combining and fusing data from multiple heterogeneous sources and performing inferences to develop situational awareness in support to applications such as cyber security, semantic web, decision support systems, intrusion detection, crisis management, and others. The technical content is largely multi-disciplinary and encompasses disciplines such as liner algebra, probability, knowledge engineering, ontologies, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and data mining.

    Text and Reference books


  • AAE 551: Design Theory and Methods for Aerospace Systems

    This course is taught to graduate and senior-standing undergraduate students in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University. It provides an introduction to design theory and design methods, along with a discussion of systems engineering, emphasizing application to the aerospace industry. This course has three major goals: 1) To provide students with descriptions and example applications of design tools and methods, 2) To provide students with opportunities for application of these tools to aerospace systems problems, 3) To introduce students to systems engineering and its practice in the aerospace engineering community.

    AAE 351: Aerospace Systems Design

    Aircraft and space systems are complex, integrated combinations of advanced component technologies. Aerospace product development requires marketing, project management, innovative multidisciplinary design and cost-effective manufacturing. This course teaches how aircraft and space systems are developed, deployed and interact with larger systems. Systems Engineering and structured design methods form the backbone of this organized approach. This course provides with fundamental knowledge of aerospace product development processes using modern design methodology and a Systems Engineering approach. The primary focus is on a clear, detailed methodology to employ product development methods that bring together marketing, design and manufacturing functions. Systems Engineering forms a core for product development, as do structured design methods that organize efforts and stimulate innovation. These methods include Pugh's method, Weighted Objectives and Quality Function Deployment (QFD).

    AAE 251: Introduction to Aerospace Design

    "The role of design in aerospace engineering. Introduction to aerodynamics, performance, propulsion, structures, stability and control, and weights. Layout and general arrangement of aerospace vehicles. Design concept generation and selection. Computational methods for design. Trade studies and graphical optimization. Conceptual design exercise involving aircraft, spacecraft, or both. Technical presentations and communication for aerospace engineering." (from Purdue University Course Catalogue)

    Text and Reference books


  • SE 4950: System of Systems Engineering

    Systems of systems (SoS) arise when independently developed heterogeneous systems, that are often geographically distributed, are integrated to enable a capability which cannot be accomplished by an independent system alone. This course discusses the special problems of engineering systems of systems. Topics include characteristics of SoS, engineering management of SoS, engineering methodology of SoS, SoS architecture, analysis of SoS, and tools for engineering SoS.

    Text and Reference books

    The Engineering Design of Systems, 3rd Edition

    Dennis Buede and William Miller

    ISBN: 978-1-119-02790-4

    Systems Engineering: Principles and Practice

    Kossiakoff, Alexander ; Seymour, Samuel J ; Biemer, Steven M ; Flanigan, David A, 2020

    High-Level Data Fusion

    Subrata Das

    Artech House, 1st Edition (August 30, 2008). 373 pp.

    High-Level Information Fusion Management and Systems Design

    Erik Blasch, Éloi Bossé, and Dale A. Lambert

    Artech House, 1st Edition (April 30, 2012). 364 pp.

    ISBN-10: 1608071510

    ISBN-13: 978-1608071517

    Introduction to Flight

    John Anderson

