HW #6
- Due date: May 9 (due at 7:30 PM, with only a 15 minute
grace period --- I want you to turn in your papers before the start of the final exam so that I can begin grading
them while you take the exam)
- Here is a
link to HW
- This assignment is worth 25 points. Recall that the sum of the maximum scores for all of the homework
assignments this semester is 115, but I'll truncate your total at
100. So if you've done really well on the previous assignments, you may
only need a dozen points or so on this assignment (out of the 25 points
available) to bring your point total up to 100.
HW #5
HW #4
- Due date: April 11
- Here is a
link to HW
#4. It's easier and shorter than other HW #4 assignments have been
in the past. Still, I suspect that some will struggle with the
probability and calculus.
- Due to the large size of the class, this semester I've not given as many problems as I have in the past, and
also the problems are generally easier than usual. Furthermore, I've not added difficult extra credit parts.
If anyone feels that they are not being worked sufficiently hard, please let me know, and I will try to add more extra
credit pieces (which may be rather difficult).
HW #3
HW #2
- Due date: March 7
- Here is a
link to HW
- For Problems 2 and 3 it may be helpful to sketch the pdf in order to get a feel for the
situation. (Give a proper justification for your answers, and don't
claim they are obvious given the sketch of the pdf. But I think that
sketching the pdf may be helpful. For Problem 2, I suggest sketching the pdf for several different values of theta.)
HW #1
- Due date: February 14 (See
syllabus for information about grace period)
- Here is a
link to HW
#1. (I will assume that posting the homework this way is fine unless I am told otherwise.)
- The sum in Problem 5 applies only to the random variables. Do not also sum the - n.
- Note: The two hints given on HW #1 are supplied every semester, whether they are needed or not.
Don't worry if you don't make use of both hints, and it may be that neither hint is terribly pertinent.
- This is a relatively easy HW #1 compared to most of the initial assignments of past semesters.
(It used to be that HW #1 was given more weight in the grading scheme. Many of the previous first assignments I've given in this
course have been both appreciably longer and appreciably more difficult.)