George Mason University
School of Information Technology and Engineering
Department of Applied and Engineering Statistics

STAT 652 / CSI 672: Statistical Inference

Spring Semester, 2006
Tuesdays from 7:20 to 10:00 PM (starting Jan. 24, other dates given below)

Location: room B205 of Robinson Hall (note: Robinson has an A wing and a B wing)

Instructor: Clifton D. Sutton

Contact Information (phone, fax, e-mail, etc.)
Office Hours: 6:00-7:00 & 10:00-10:30 PM on class nights (more information)


Click here for information about what is required and what is optional.


a graduate level course in probability (STAT 544 or ECE 528)


The main goal of this course is to introduce you to some of the basic ideas of mathematical statistics. A knowledge of probability theory will be assumed, the foundations of parametric statistical inference will be presented, and specific methods for estimation and hypothesis testing will be covered. The material presented in this course will serve to justify and enhance some of the concepts covered in other statistics courses.

Approximate week-by-week content:

[1] Jan. 24:
introduction; limiting distributions (convergence in distribution)
[2] Jan. 31:
stochastic convergence (convergence in probability) and more advanced probability concepts (Slutsky's theorem, the mgf approach to limiting distributions, the central limit theorem)
[3] Feb. 7:
introduction to statistical models; sufficient statistics
[4] Feb. 14:
exponential families; some basic properties for point estimators; point estimation methods (frequency substitution, the method of moments, maximum likelihood estimates)
[5] Feb. 21:
more on methods of estimation (more on maximum likelihood estimation, least squares estimates, the minimum distance method, minimum chi-square estimates)
[6] Feb. 28:
point estimation as a statistical decision problem and optimality (loss functions, risk, and admissibility); minimax estimates and Bayes estimates
[7] March 7:
more on Bayesian estimation, the Rao-Blackwell theorem, the Lehmann-Scheffé theorem, and UMVUE's
[**] March 14:
(No class due to Spring Break, but I may decide to hold a special office hours session in the classroom from 7:20 to 10:00 PM on either Monday (3/13) or Tuesday (3/14) of Spring Break week to answer questions and to work HW problems from previous semesters if people ask to see more examples)
[8] March 21:
the information inequality (the Cramér-Rao lower bound)
[9] March 28:
invariant estimation; additional criteria for comparing estimators (Pitman-closer estimators, more-concentrated estimators)
[10] April 4:
large sample theory (asymptotics) for point estimation
[11] April 11:
confidence intervals (pivotal quantities, properties of interval estimators)
[12] April 18:
more on confidence intervals (large sample results, an additional exact technique, confidence regions of higher dimension)
[13] April 25:
an introduction to hypothesis testing; optimal tests of statistical hypotheses (the Neyman-Pearson lemma, monotone likelihood ratio families)
[14] May 2:
generalized likelihood ratio tests; large sample approximations in testing
[**] May 9:
Final Exam (note: exam period is from 7:30 to 10:15 PM)


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