STAT 554

Applied Statistics

Spring 2008

Read this (last updated: Jan. 19, 2007)
before buying books and/or software for the course.
Information (last updated: Aug. 19, 2007)
to help you decide if STAT 554 is a good choice for you.
Syllabus (last updated: Jan. 25, 2008)
giving a description of how I present the course (and includes information about how to contact me).
Announcements (last updated: 2:49 AM, May 3, 2008)
about the course. (I'll update this section as needed during the semester, providing information about changes I make pertaining to this website and to previously posted/announced policies and schedules.)
Homework (last updated: May 3, 2008)
information (due dates, corrections, comments, and possibly hints).
Reading guide (last updated: Aug. 17, 2002)
indicating which sections of the various books correspond to specific lectures.
Other web pages:
References (last updated: Sep. 1, 2004)
Critical values for studentized range distribution having 3 and infinity df (last updated: Nov. 13, 2002);
Final Exam information (last updated: May 6, 2008)