Antoniou, P., Papaioannou, A., & Laparidis, K. (2010). Effects of multimedia computer-assisted instruction (MCAI) on academic achievement in physical education of Greek primary students. Digital Education Review, 0(10), 61-77. Retrieved February 15, 2012, from
This article showed that even younger students can benefit from multimedia-enhanced education. Although its screenshot was not very indicative of the way the program worked, the article did provide a diagram of all of the different possible pathways of experiencing the program from the student's perspective.
Fischman, J. (2009, March 18). Electronic portfolios: A path to the future of learning [Web log post]. Retrieved February 26, 2012, from
Not only did this source help because it was a third different kind of source, but it also showed me an aspect of multimedia-based projects about which I was not knowledgable, and was related to my paper.
Ivers, K. S., & Barron, A. E. (2006). Multimedia projects in education: Designing, producing, and assessing. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
This source gave valuable information on the cognitive aspects of learning and how multimedia benefits a student's learning experience. While this source used less generalized research about multimedia and education, it used much more accessible language than some other, more analytical resources.
Lee, Y., & Keckley, K. (2006). Effects of a teacher-made multimedia program on teaching Driver Education. TEACHING Exceptional Children plus, 2(5). Retrieved February 26, 2012 from
This article presented the research with screen shots of the multimedia program used in the study, which helped me understand the extent of the program and how it affected the students.
Mona, M. (2011). Descriptive writing: Does dyanmic visual help? Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011, (1), 1391-1401. Retrieved February 20, 2012, from
This was a useful article because it showed how multimedia is beneficial in an environment that would find it essential. It didn't give as much information about the actual study as I would have liked, but it gave enough about the results so that I could compare "dynamic" and "static visuals."
Xu, Y., Park, H., & Baek, Y. (2011). A new approach toward digital storytelling: An activity focused on writing self-efficacy in a virtual learning environment. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 14(4), 181-191.
Although this article did not give me as much information as I would have liked about how digital storytelling affects the classroom, it was a very interesting study. It described the experiment in great detail which was very helpful in understanding how it affected the students in the study.
Young, J. R. (2002, February 21). Creating online portfolios can help students see 'big picture,' colleges say. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved February 26, 2012, from
Although this article was published ten years ago, it gave background information on a subject still relevant in today's discussion of technology in the classroom. This is apparent because several other articles written within the past two or three years were in response to this original article.
Zheng, R. (2009). Cognitive effects of multimedia learning. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
This source gave very specific, empirical information about the effects of multimedia on learning. Though the language was very dense, the research provided made it an authority on the subject of education.
- "Stop Sign" photo is a photograph of a stop sign in a rural or suburban neighborhood. It is similar to the kind of photograph that the teacher of the Special Education driver's education course would have used in his power point slides. He used photographs of signs taken in the students' neighborhoods so the images would incite familiarity with the subject of driving. I retrieved this photo from a public domain photo resource website on the internet. I obtained the photo on April 5, 2012 from Image After . Image After's terms of use can be found here
- "Grand canyon" video is a digital story created by Daniel Weinshenker. It is an example of the digital storytelling I describe in that portion of my paper. I found the video on the internet website, YouTube . YouTube's terms of use can be found here
- "Integrating Technology" is an informational video on the necessities and benefits of integrating technology into a classroom environment. A lot of the kinds of skills students acquire from this kind of environment that I discuss in my paper are mentioned in the video, as well as the existing problems in education that can be solved. I found the video on the internet website, YouTube .
My friend Lauren Jones showed me how to create a CSS style sheet, which I implemented in the creation of this website.
My friend Jonathan Mann helped me fix my validation errors.