An Invasion of Privacy? Introduction Background Potential Benefits Legal and Ethical Issues Security Concerns Social Problems Conclusion Bibliography

An Invasion of Privacy?:
A Look into NSA Domestic Surveillance Policies

The National Security Agency having access to an enormous amount of personal data creates debate over privacy or the safety of the American public. With the whistle blowing efforts of one, Edward Snowden, the issue has only recently become widely known.

Things to Consider:

  1. In many ways, the information gathered by this agency may help track down terrorist, however, at the expense of the American public’s privacy.
  2. The legality of this large database of information is up to public debate.
  3. Security is the main issue when it comes to the NSA’s surveillance policies.
  4. The social implications of the NSA’s surveillance cross over to the political calling for a more urgent approach to this issue.
  5. To what extent do these policies affect the American public’s data?

The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether or not safety is worth infringing upon people’s internet and virtual privacy.

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