School Policies

Clear Lake High School is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all of our students. To achieve this, we have developed a set of policies that outline the expectations and responsibilities of students, parents, teachers, and staff. These policies cover a range of important topics, including attendance, dress code, electronic devices, bullying, academic integrity, substance abuse, and more. By following these policies, we can ensure that our school is a respectful and inclusive community where everyone has the opportunity to learn and succeed.

  1. Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes and arrive on time. Excused absences require a written note from a parent or guardian.
  2. Dress Code: Students must dress in appropriate clothing that is respectful and does not disrupt the learning environment.
  3. Electronic Devices: The use of electronic devices, such as cell phones and tablets, is allowed only with teacher permission and must be used responsibly.
  4. Bullying: Bullying or harassment of any kind is not tolerated and will be addressed through disciplinary action.
  5. Academic Integrity: Students are expected to complete their own work and not cheat or plagiarize.
  6. Smoking: Smoking is not permitted on school grounds or at school-sponsored events.
  7. Substance Abuse: The use, possession, or distribution of drugs or alcohol on school property or at school-sponsored events is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.
  8. Weapons: Possessing, using, or threatening to use a weapon on school property or at a school-sponsored event is a serious offense and will result in immediate suspension and possible expulsion.
  9. Student Records: Students' personal and academic records are confidential and will not be shared without written consent from the student or their parent/guardian.
  10. Social Media: Students are expected to follow the school's Acceptable Use Policy when using social media, and must not post or share inappropriate or offensive content that could harm the school's reputation or violate the rights of others.
  11. Transportation: Students who ride the bus to and from school must follow the rules and regulations of the bus company and the school district.
  12. Visitors: Visitors to the school must check in at the main office and obtain a visitor pass.
  13. Parking: Students who drive to school must park in the designated student parking lot and have a valid parking permit.
  14. Cafeteria: Students must follow the rules and regulations of the cafeteria, including respecting the food and property of others, and cleaning up after themselves.
  15. Field Trips: Students must obtain written permission from a parent or guardian to participate in field trips, and must follow the rules and expectations set by the teacher and the school.
  16. Student Behavior: Students are expected to behave in a manner that is respectful, responsible, and considerate of others.
  17. Discipline: The school will follow a fair and consistent disciplinary process, which may include verbal warnings, detentions, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or expulsion.
  18. Homework: Students are expected to complete and submit all homework assignments on time.
  19. Grading: The school will follow a clear and transparent grading policy, which includes criteria for grading, grading scales, and grade appeals.
  20. Parent-Teacher Communication: Parents and teachers are encouraged to communicate regularly about the student's progress and any concerns or issues.