Library Staff

  • ethandavis

    Ethan Davis


  • emilyroberts

    Emily Roberts


  • maxthompson

    Max Thompson

    Librarian Assistant

  • avajohnson

    Ava Johnson

    Librarian Assistant

More Information

Clear Lake Library


Clear Lake High's library is a welcoming and vibrant space that is dedicated to supporting the academic and personal growth of our students. With a wide range of books, periodicals, and other resources, the library provides students with the tools they need to succeed in their studies and to explore their interests. Our experienced and knowledgeable librarians are always on hand to help students find the materials they need, and to provide guidance and support with research and other academic tasks. The library is more than just a collection of books - it's a hub of learning and discovery, and an important part of the Clear Lake High community.

Library Check-Out Policy

Our library check out policy is designed to ensure that our library resources are available and accessible to all of our students. Here are the key points of our policy:

  • Students may check out up to two books at a time for a period of two weeks.
  • Books may be renewed for an additional two weeks if needed, but only if there are no holds or requests on the book.
  • Overdue books will accrue fines at a rate of $0.10 per day.
  • Students are responsible for any lost or damaged books, and will be required to pay the replacement cost of the book.
  • Students who have outstanding fines or lost book charges will not be allowed to check out additional books until the issue has been resolved.

By following these simple guidelines, we can ensure that our library resources are fairly and equitably distributed to all of our students.

Library Computer Use Policy

Our library computer use policy is designed to ensure that our library computers are used responsibly and in accordance with school rules and regulations. Here are the key points of our policy:

  • Students must sign in with their school ID before using a library computer.
  • Students may use library computers for academic purposes only, such as research, writing papers, and completing assignments. Personal use, such as social media, gaming, or streaming, is not allowed.
  • Students may not download or install any software or files on library computers without permission from a librarian.
  • Students are responsible for saving their work to their own storage device or cloud account. The library is not responsible for any lost or unsaved work.
  • Students must respect the privacy and security of others by not attempting to access or alter any personal or confidential information on library computers.
  • Students must follow the school's Acceptable Use Policy when using library computers, which includes not accessing or sharing inappropriate or illegal content.

By following these guidelines, we can ensure that our library computers are used responsibly and effectively by our students.