My First Semester at George Mason...
Thinking back on my development from the first day of NCLC 110 to the final days of NCLC 130 I realized how much I haven’t necessarily changed but grown. I feel that with all the misleading perceptions of how college should be and what you’re supposed to get out of it, I was actually able to find a balance that is suited to my life. On my first day of NCC I walked through the door with high expectations of being accepted, that were quickly crushed by the unfamiliar faces that I was forced to get familiar with. But I persevered, and continued my journey and not only gained knowledge but confidence and great friendships as well.
Looking back at NCLC 110 I noticed how the two units are drastically different from each other. In the first unit of NCC we worked more on focusing on ourselves. Reflection after every reading or experience was extremely helpful with personal development. This style of writing allows us have a deeper understanding while looking at our own growth. Reflections allowed us to also determine our limitation, which allowed us to work and improve on them. Whereas in NCLC 130 we focused more on finding the deeper meaning through analysis as well as looking a different perspective of how things are viewed in the world. Personally for me my strength was analyzing a text which was perfect for this semester of NCC. Looking through writings and picking up on symbolism and other literary devices, then putting them together to figure out what the author is truly say is my “thing”.
But, group work on the other hand was my kryptonite! I was so used to working solo, that I did not know how to include people when working on an assignment. But as this unit progressed I learned how to incorporate my ideas with other people. With my first group we had issues with each other and their work habits. We worked through our problems and completed our higher education project, but overall we were an unsuccessful group. In NCLC 130 my previous experiences had taught me how to become a better group member. With the success of this group it allowed me to develop some friendships with them because we had a common desire to finish NCLC with a good grade.
As I continue my journey to finish the year with New Century College, and actually register for classes for my sophomore year, I want to improve on my decision making skills. I feel that my incapability to make a decision and actually follow through has caused me the most problems this semester. I have so many ideas of how I want to construct my writing, but I can never actually decide on how I will actually construct it. So I will combine all my ideas together and produce something horrible, instead of making a decision and generate something substantial. Also decisions about my time consumption and priorities will be taken into consideration next semester. I am a full time student and also almost a full time pharmacy technician. My life revolved around school and work which does not take long to drive a person insane. Next semester I am going to have to cut back on the amount of hours I work and strictly focus on my school work, seeing how I do not have any desire to work in the field of pharmacy.
Overall in the end I feel like it has been a pretty successful first semester. I have stepped outside of my comfort zone and experienced thing that I never thought I would. I have been introduced to all kinds of people, and made three new friends that I can absolutely depend on no matter what. I focus less on the “artificial” things in life such as appearance, and look deeper and try to figure out why people find these things so important. I find myself analyzing the simplest situations and attempting to look at all perspectives so that I will not judge someone for their personal opinions. And this is definitely a growth that I want to continue, because i feel that it has made me into a better person.
Last Updated: 12-05-2008