

"This is the south. I look for evidence of other Creeks, for remnants of voices, or for tobacco brown bones to come wandering down Conti Street, Royale, or Decatur. Near the French Market I see a blue horse caught frozen in stone in the middle of a square. Brought in by the Spanish on an endless ocean voyage he became mad and crazy. "  (Harjo)

      Alexandria, Louisiana is the home of my father, and my core beliefs on citizenship. While visiting I experienced the different kinds of social class, attitudes, and ideologies, that I did not see in Virginia. Looking back on each trip I see how I improved on some of the core themes of the course: valuing, aesthetic judgment, and effective citizenship. Although I only spend my summer vacations there, I feel like I learned so much about the economy, government, and myself. Each time I came home, I valued my life more each because I saw how privileged I was.  

Click to experience some of my time in Louisiana....

Work Cited:

Harjo, Joy. New Orleans. Thunder's Mouth Press, 1983.