About Me Research Clinical Coursework Personal

Inova Behavioral Health Services, Falls Church, VA. (08/2011 – 08/2012)
      Psychology Extern.
          Adult psychotherapy (individual, family) for range of diagnoses.

Mental Health Surveillance Study, Durham, NC. (10/2010 – 10/2011)
      Clinical Interviewer.
          SCID-I interviews by telephone for epidemiological study.    

Washington DC VA Medical Center, Washington, DC. (06/2010 – 08/2010)
      Psychology Extern with Behavioral Medicine.
          Intake evaluations, individual therapy, relaxation group.
      Psychology Extern with Health Improvement Program.
          Social skills group for veterans with SMI, psychoeducation group.

Center for Psychological Services, GMU. Fairfax, VA. (09/2009 – 07/2013)
      Student Psychotherapist.
            Individual, group, and family psychotherapy.
      Psychodiagnostic Examiner.
             Comprehensive psycho-educational testing, mental health evaluations.

Project SHAPE, George Mason University. Fairfax, VA. (09/2009 –07/2013)   
      Co-facilitator for Group Interventions.
            2-day workshops to reduce risk of suicide, substance dependence, and suicide in                   adolescents in mental health treatment.

Cognitive Assessment Program, GMU, Fairfax, VA. (01/2009 –07/2013)
     Psychodiagnostic Evaluator.
          Intellectual assessments for children seeking advanced academic placement.

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network. Washington, DC. (09/2008 –12/2008)
Hotline Counselor. 
            Online emotional and crisis support for victims of rape and incest.

Wediko Children’s Services. Windsor, NH. (06/2005 – 08/2005)
      Residential Counselor & Activity Instructor.
            Residential counselor and activity instructor in summer program for 6- to 19-year-olds
            with severe emotional, developmental, and behavioral disorders.

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