Research Paper References
- Chapman, C. (2009) . The history and evolution of social media [Web log] . Retrieved February 15, 2011, from
The following blog gives the history and evolution of social media and explains its rapid progression throughout the years.
- Fayle, K. (2007, September 18) . Understanding the legal issues for social networking sites and their users . Retrieved February 19, 2011, from
This website explains the legal issues surrounding social networking such as defamation and copyright infringement.
- Harris, S. (2009, February 16) . Security issues of social networking sites [Web log] . Retrieved February 26, 2011, from
The following blog explains major security concerns with social networking sites.
- Kimball, L.and Rheingold H. (2003) . How online social networks benefit organizations . Retrieved February 18, 2011, from
This site states the professional benefits to online social networking.
- Kriescher, M. (2009) . Professional benefits of online social networking. The Colorado Lawyer , 38(2), 61-64. Retrieved February 18, 2011.
This journal article describes the professional benefits of social media sites, such as recruitment, employment, and advertising.
- Nickson, C. (2009, January 21) . The history of social networking . Retrieved February 14, 2011, from
This website examines the roots of social networking sites before and after the arrival of the Internet.
- Ossian, K. L., and Paddock M. C. (2010, October 9) . Delving into the legal ramifications. Legal issues in social networking (1-3) . Retrieved February 14, 2011, from
This is a chapter taken from an online paper, which explains the legal and ethical concerns and ramifications in social networking.
- University of Minnesota. (2008, June 21) . Educational benefits of social networking sites uncovered. ScienceDaily . Retrieved February 18, 2011, from
This is an online newspaper, which explains how social networking influences teens/students and can help stimulate knowledge of technology systems.
- (2011, February 25) . Arab revolt: social media and the people’s revolution. Channel 4 News . Retrieved February 26, 2011, from
This news site reports on how social media has sparked social protests and revolution throughout the Middle East.
- "Globe" clip art on the advantages.html page is obtained from Microsoft Office 2010 clip art collection (retrieved on 04/05/2011).
This clip art shows how people around the world can interact through social networking.
- "Security" clip art on the disadvantages.html page is obtained from Microsoft Office 2010 clip art collection (retrieved on 04/05/2011).
This clip art exemplifies the security concerns that are involved with online social networking.
- "Comm" clip art on the conclusion.html page is obtained from Microsoft Office 2010 clip art collection (retrieved on 04/05/2011).
This clip art encompasses social networking as playing a vital role in global communication and information technology.
- SocialMediaEnergy. (2010, May 4). Social Media Revolution 2010 [Video file]. Retrieved April 5, 2011 from
This video gives multiple statistics, stating the relevance of online social networking and how it has expanded from a trend into a worldwide social phenomenon.