Goal Descriptions

    1. Goals for Third Portfolio Review
    2. Goals for Second Portfolio Review
    3. Goals for First Portfolio Review
    4. Orginal Goal Statement

Goals for Third Portfolio Review, August 26th, 2002

Since my second portfolio review passed three month ago, my life has been greatly changed. First of all, my daughter, Alyssa Yebeen, came out of the world on May 26th, 2002. As all babies are, Yebeen is also precious. But being mom of two children is really something. Every moment is busy, busy, busy... Now, I need to manage my personal life and my school life in dissertation phase. As I have always done, I will be okay (What a optimistic person I am :-) !!!). My plans are below. These are not much different from second portfolio review.

My professional plan

  • Attend and/or present conferences
  • Continue to contribute a article in "Field Special Education".
  • Continue to maintain website of "Korean Society for Cerabral Palsy" (http://www.kscp.net)
  • Seek for a part time position which I work for while preparing my dissertation (for example, UCP (United Cerebral Palsy)). new image

My academic plan

  • Finish up my coursework by fall, 2002 --- requirment: EDRS 823 and EDUC 998.

My research plan

  • Will take EDRS823 single subject / case study for fall semester, 2002. I believe that this class will be a great basis for write my dissertation paper.
  • Will take EDUC998 proposal class for fall semester, 2002. This class will be a move-on stage for starting my dissertation phase.
  • need to collect literature review for my dissertation
  • seek for participants who use AAC for my dissertation new image

Goals for Second Portfolio Review, March 27th, 2002

It has been a year after I prepared this web portfolio for my first portfolio meeting. I can tell myself that I have accomplished many achievement. My goals that I have made on first portfolio meeting is below: If I self-grade regarding my goals that I have set on the first portfolio meeting, I can give:

  • do my best in my course work (satisfactory!) --- I did my best (I think...)!
  • put more specific and informative information in my web portfolio (also make it fancier!) (unsatisfactory!) --- I was going to dramatically change the outfit of my web portfolio, but I could not. Also, I am going to put more informative information, not for just portfolio meeting but for using this website as a organizer of my doctoral life at George Mason University. I will push myself to do it!
  • think about my dissertation topic (pass!).--- I roughly had an idea of my dissertation topic.
  • think about which research method will be appropriate for my dissertation, qualitative or quantitative? (satisfactory!) --- I will use case study research.
  • need professional experience, such as presenting conference, working with actual individuals with disabilities, etc. (very satisfactory!) --- I did not think that I could accumulate my professional experiences this much for a year. I presented at 4 conferences. I did intenship in Korea, so that I could work actual students in Yonsei Rehabilitation School. Also, I am writing a article for bi-monthly magazine in Korea.
  • think about how I apply what I've learned so far to individuals with disabilities in Korea (pass!). --- Since I did internship (work with students in Yonsei Rehabilitation School in Korea) and independent study (interviewing Korean parents who have children with disabilities) last summer (2001) in Korea, I feel that I definitely need to do something for individuals with disabilities in Korea. Since I've made connection with students at Yonsei Rehabilitation School, I will have more opportunities to help students there. This summer while in Korea, 2002, I will work with a little guy from Yonsei Rehabilitation School to help him to use computer and to communicate using AAC as a practicum of EDIT 797: AAC tools.

My professional plan

  • Attend and/or present conferences
  • Continue to contribute a article in "Field Special Education".
  • Continue to maintain website of "Korean Society for Cerabral Palsy" (http://www.kscp.net)

My academic plan

  • Finish up my coursework by fall, 2002 --- requirment: EDRS 823 and EDUC 998

My research plan

  • Will take EDRS823 single subject / case study for fall semester, 2002. I believe that this class will be a great basis for write my dissertation paper.
  • Will take EDUC998 proposal class for fall semester, 2002. This class will be a move-on stage for starting my dissertation phase.
  • need to collect literature review for my dissertation

My personal plan

  • have to figure out how I can deal with my dissertation phase and my upcoming baby & my 4-year-old son.

Goals for first Portfolio Review, April 24th, 2001

Since I took a EDSE 517 (Computer Applications for Special Population) in Spring, 1999 as an extended student, I have learned a lot during the past semesters. Through my studies in EDSE and EDIT courses, I have learned regarding how to take care of individuals with various disabilities. In addtion, these courses have given me great knowledge regarding how to use technology for individuals with special care.

Two specific courses in general culture (EDUC 800 and EDUC 802) have given me new insightful perspectives that I had not ever thought about before. Since I am not a person who is familiar with participating class discussion, I wish if I could only take courses regarding my major, Assistive Technology. However, I realized that these courses made me think a certain issue deeply as well as broadly.

I would like to decide my dissertation topic in the near future, so then would like to concentrate on the process of the dissertation. My specific goal near future is as follows:

My near goal:

  • do my best in my course work
  • put more specific and informative information in my web portfolio (also make it fancier!)
  • think about my dissertation topic
  • think about which research method will be appropriate for my dissertation, qualitative or quantitative?
  • need professional experience, such as present conference, work with actual individuals with disabilities
  • think about how I apply what I've learned so far to individuals with disabilities in Korea

What I am interested in:

  • The impact of the Internet usage on the Individuals with disabilities.
  • How AAC works better for the individuals with disabilities
  • Multicultural individuals with disabilities in the United States.

Original Goal Statements(Word format) --- I created this for admissions application to GMU Ph.D. program

go homeemail me at yoosunc@hotmail.com