

EDRS 810: Problems and Methods in Education Research (Spring, 2000)

Through my studies in this class, I have learned a general idea regarding how to conduct research in social science. Since my background is not in a social science, I never learned these methods of research before. This course provided with a great basis to begin professional research endeavors in the Assistive Technology field.

EDRS 812: Qualitative Methods in Education Research (Fall, 2000)

I did an actual research for the first time in this class. I used various interview method, including online interactively, phone, and email. That was my first time to interview someone and I was very interested in investigating what others think through the interview.

  • Title: The Impact of the Internet Usage on the Individuals with Cerebral Palsy
  • Statement of the Research Questions
    1. How do individuals who have CP use the Internet?
    2. What do they currently get from using the Internet and what do they hope to get from using the Internet to improve the quality of their lives in the future?
    3. What changes or improvements do they suggest relating to the current Internet system to make the Internet more useful for them?

EDUC 897: Independent study (Summer, 2001)

I investigated the "Perspectives of Korean Parents toward Children with Special Needs and Special Education in Korea" in summer, 2001. Personally, I was glad that I could have this opportunity, that is, hearing voices from Korean mothers who have chilren with disabilities, because I always wonder about this. In addition, I've learned about Korean special education system through this study.

EDRS 811: Quantitative Methods in Education Research (Fall, 2001)

I have learned how to analyze the quantitative (statistical) data using SPSS and how to conclude from data. In addition, I have learned how to read and how to understand quantitative research papers written by other researchers. Before taking this class, when I read quantitative papers, I thought, "What does this number all means and how the author draws this conclusion from this number?"...

  • Title: Self-esteem Qualities of Individuals with Speech Impairments Who Use the Internet and AAC Devices
  • Statement of the Research Questions
    1. Is the self-esteem of individuals with speech impairments affected by their experiences of using the Internet and / or an AAC device?
    2. Is there a significant relationship between the self-esteem scores of individuals with speech impairments and [1] the number of months they have used an AAC device and / or [2] the number of months they have used the Internet?
  • For your reference, I did not correct actual data for this report as many students did. Instead, I used simulated data.

My own experience of disability | Assistive Technology | Presentation | Research | Internship & Independent study

Other professional experience | My own experience with AAC | Curiosity about other's experiences with AAC


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My own experience of disability Other professional experience Assistive Technology Internship and Independent study My own experience with AAC Presentation Curiosity about other's experiences with AAC