
Welcome to Snuggle Stick's Game Site.


Band site


Pictures & rules.

TimPong Snuggle Driver Martian Supremacist
TimPong 2 Satan's Beach Volleyball Feed Tim
Toast Snuggle Fight T-Cell


Snuggle Stick




More Games

Programs For Musicians
Set List Adrian's Leprechaun Lesson Cowbell


Q: The games don't show up on my computer. What should I do?

A: Your browser is likely too old to display these java applets, but you can fix this problem by downloading a FREE java runtime environment here.
  *Just click on the big green button and follow the steps. It will only take a minute.

Q: I keep getting a "StickyKeys" prompt while playing the games. Make it stop.

A: Some computers are set up to do that when you press the SHIFT key a lot (which you do in many of these games).
  When you see the prompt, click "Settings." It will give you a task panel, with a "Keyboard" tab with a "StickyKeys" section. Click on the "Settings" button in that section and then click on the checked box that says "Use shortcut" and click OK.
     *If you accidentally turn the StickyKeys on and can't get the prompt, there should be a small
      icon for it on the bottom right of your screen.

Q: Dude, what's up with all that flickering in Snuggle Fight?

A: Because of all the code involved in this game, the extra processing required to get rid of the flickering is a little too much for some computers, which slows down the game. If it bothers you and you think your computer can handle it, you can play the non-flickering version here.

Q: I can't see the full game screen on my monitor. What now?

A: Some monitors are unable to dispay a game with these width and height dimensions defined in pixels.
    Try this: go to View-> Full Screen, then right-click on the top of the screen and click on "Auto-Hide"- that should clear up some space.

***Note: if you hide everything, you may have to click around in the top right corner to get your screen back.
*****Also, for Snuggle Driver, you can check out a scaled version here.

Q: I'm not really into your band's music. Do I have to listen to it?

A: Yes.

Recording by Airtight S2dios
Rap vocals by Chanj of Solid Entity


All games created (with Java) by Tim Long aka "Snuggle Stick" aka "Luke Warm" aka "Chiquita" aka "Ziz" aka "the Brit" aka "Timbone."
"Leprechaun Lesson" concept and design by Adrian Munoz, created by T-Bone.
"Cowbell" concept and design by Evan McLeese created by T-Dawg
"Pong" and "Breakout" original game design by Atari (duh).