Snuggleplay - Game Instructions & Tips


TimPong 2
Snuggle Driver
Satan's Beach Volleyball
Snuggle Fight
Martian Supremacist
Feed Tim
Set List
Adrian's Leprechaun Lesson


This game is based on the classic Atari game "Pong".
Here you play as the left 'paddle', moving it up and down with
the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Winning: To win, obtain a score of 500 points. Note that every
time you successfully hit the ball, you gain 10 points and every
time the computer misses you gain 50 points.

Losing: You begin the game with 3 lives. Every time you miss a ball
you lose a life. If you miss the ball when you have 0 lives left, you
lose the game.

TimPong 2

This game is similar to TimPong, but allows a second player to play as
the right paddle. The player using the left paddle will use the arrow keys
as usual, and the player controlling the right paddle will use the mouse (The
paddle will follow the mouse pointer as it is moved up and down over the screen).

TimPong2 allows for "spiking", which is not allowed in regular TimPong. The
player using the keyboard can spike by hitting the 'z' key when the ball hits
the left paddle. The player using the mouse can spike by pressing the mouse
button when the ball hits the right paddle. Timing must be precise to spike
the ball. The ball will stay spiked until one player misses.

The first player to miss the ball 6 times loses the game.


In this game you drive Snuggle to a gig in the Snuggle Van.


SHIFT: speed the car up.
CONTROL: slow the car down.
ARROW KEYS: move the car around a restricted area of the screen.

Note, if you keep hitting the SHIFT key, you can eventually stop and even go
backwards. Using the control key will get you moving forward again.
Also, you can drive your car on the grass, though it will slow you down. This
is mainly useful if cars are spread across the entire road. You can go on the
grass to lead your car around them.

Winning: To win, you must pass 50 cars on the road (instead of cars, this
is written as "Miles Remaining" on the right side of the screen).

Losing: Every time your car touches another car, you crash. That is, you lose
one life and your car will slow down. If you have 0 lives left and you crash,
you lose the game.

Satan's Beach Volleyball

In this game, you play as two women who have become involved in a very unusual
volleyball match.

To begin the game, hold the SHIFT Key down. As you hold it down, you will
a small gray rectangle appear near the middle of the screen. This is a
miniaturized version of the volleyball court that will allow you to aim your
serve. Still holding the SHIFT key down, use the arrow keys to move the small
ball on the miniature court to where you want to hit the ball on the real court.
Then release the SHIFT key to serve the ball.

As you play the game, notice that you can aim in this way every time you are
about to hit the ball, not just when your serving. When you think your player is
in a good position to hit the ball, hold down the SHIFT key and aim the same way
you did to serve. Note that you down have to release the SHIFT key to hit the

At any point in the game, the player that you are controlling is the one with
the gray shadow. Press the CONTROL key to switch control to the other player.
Control will automatically return to the server once a point is scored by your

The first team to get 15 points wins, unless the other team has 14 points. In
this case, the game continues until one team is up by 2 points, allowing them
to win the game. Note that in this game a team does not have to be serving to
score a point.

Oh, and just for the record, "Satan on the Beach" isn't actually about Satan
hanging out on the beach. It's about Nick, or some kid who looked like him.

Snuggle Fight

Ah yes, Snuggle Fight. My masterpiece. In this game you get to play as any
member of Snuggle and beat the crap out of the others, as well as a few random
characters from our songs and our imaginations.

In the game, you start out by choosing to play as one of the members of Snuggle.
Then you embark in a series of ring fights, where everyone has a weapon. The
first 3 fights are against the other members of Snuggle (one at a time, chosen
randomly. The rest of the fights are in a specific order:

Purple Dragon
Invisible Fan
The Man

Winning: The purpose of the game is to defeat The Man, but as you can see, you must fight
your way through a series of foes to reach him. A fighter is defeated when his life bar
becomes completely empty.

Losing: Every time an opponent lands an attack on you, your life bar will disappear a
little. If your life bar completely disappears you lose the game. Don't fret though;
your are given options of rematches and passwords.

As you progress through these fights you are given choices to help improve your
chances. First of all, after you fight your way through the rest of Snuggle, you
are given a password, and then a new password will be given to you after every fight
from then on. There is no need to write each one down as you get it though, because
once you have been beaten by an opponent you are given the option to retrieve your
password by pressing the 'p' key.

After each fight, you obtain at least $50 of spending money and are given options of
different items that you can buy. Each item increases at least one of your stats so
it is important to choose which stats are most important to you depending on your
chosen player and your own method of playing. If you have full life when you defeat
your opponent, you will be given $100 instead of $50. Note that you do not have to
buy anything if you want to save up your money for something more expensive.

The stats that define each fighter's abilities are:

Speed - This controls how far a fighter moves to the left or to the right on
each individual step.
Power - This controls how much life is taken from the opponent when the fighter
attacks and lands a hit.
Stamina - Every once in a while during a fight, each player regains a small
amount of life. The higher that fighter's stamina, the more life is regained.
Reach - This is basically determined by the player's weapon. It controls how
far away a fighter can be from an opponent to still land an attack.
Jump - This controls how high a fighter jumps when dodging low attacks.
Swing - This controls how quickly a fighter attacks (which usually involves
swinging some weapon at the opponent).

Martian Supremacist

In this game you play as a martian inside a spacecraft hovering over Mars trying to
shoot down invading spacecrafts from Jupiter.
This is a fairly simple and straightforward game. It's good for younger kids since
there's currently no way to die in it. All you have to do is guide your spacecraft
left or right (using the arrow keys) so that an enemy spacecraft is in front of your
target. Then press the 'z' key to shoot it.

This game was inspired by "Martian Supremacist" but actually has nothing at all to do
with the song.

Winning: Destroy all 12 enemy spacecrafts to win the game.

Feed Tim

Don't let his "Snuggle Stick" size fool you. Tim is a very hungry man and can put away
a surprising amount. In this game it is your job to make sure he gets his fill.

To feed Tim, press the up key to jump, then press the 'z' key at the peak of your jump to
throw a hamburger into Tim's mouth. Tim will poop every once in a while without even
noticing. To stop the puddle of poop, you should try to stop the falling poop before it
hits the ground. One way is to throw a hamburger at it, but this only gives you 15 points.
It's much better to catch it in a bed pan. To do this, press down to get in ducking
position. Once you're in this position, press 'z' to throw a bedpan across the floor. You
have to time your throw very carefully to catch the poop, but it's worth it because a
successful catch will give you 50 points!

Winning: Obtain 500 points. Notice that the more points you have, the smaller Tim's
appetite is, which may be easier to watch than your score.

Losing: If time runs out or you touch the puddle of poop, you lose the game.


This game was inspired by "Full Blown Aids". The purpose is to kill all the HIV cells
and let the T-cells take over before time runs out.

When you see a yellow HIV cell show up on the game screen, attack it by clicking on it
with the mouse pointer. It will disappear as well as any cell above, below, to the left
of, or to the right of it. If any of those is an HIV cell it will be hit once. If any
of those is a T-cell, it will simply disappear for a little while.

To defeat an HIV cell in a certain space, you must hit it 3 times that it appears. After
an HIV cell is defeated, a T-Cell will randomly show up in its place. If you click around
this T-cell, it may disappear for a little while. However, if you click directly on a
T-cell, it will give the space back to the HIV cell, which you will have to hit 3 more
times as you did before.

Winning: Once all HIV cells are completely defeated and the T-Cells fill the entire
game screen, you win the game.

Losing: If time runs out or if you allow HIV cells to fill the entire game screen, you
lose the game.


This game's pretty complicated. What you have to try and do is click on the toaster button.
Um... yeah, that's it. Then you can wait for the toast to pop. It takes about a minute.

Set List

This is for musicians who are preparing for a gig. Figure out what songs you want to play
then enter them one at a time into the prompt box, clicking okay after each one. When
you've entered them all, write done in the prompt box and hit 'OK'.

Then you will be shown the set screen with 2 buttons. Press the "New Set List" to be given
a new randomly created set list of the songs you've entered. Keep pressing this button until
you are given a set list that you are happy with. Then go to File-->Print on your browser to
print it out and take it with you.

Press the "Enter New Song List" button to start over and enter a new bunch of songs.

Adrian's Leprechaun Lesson

Adrian came up with this idea a long time ago. The notes of "Dance of the Leprechauns" will
scroll across the screen. When a note lands on the yellow line above the green pointer, type
the key that corresponds to the note. For instance, since the first note is B, when it lands
on the yellow line, hit the 'b' key.

For F#, simply press the 'f' key.

This game takes time to master. You must not only coordinate which notes are which, but you
must be able to press the necessary keys in rhythm.

Winning: Score over 1000 points by the end of the song. Note that this game only goes through
about one verse of the actual song.

Losing: If you finish the song and your score is less than 1000, you lose.


This game was Evan McLeese's idea. Use your mouse pointer to click on the Cowbell and
make it ring. Everyone's a winner!