Collage, Collaboration & Bookish Beasts


//// Info for Graduate Students \\\\

On this page I will post additional reading or modifications to assignments for  grad students enrolled in this course. Here is a bibliography to help you with respond to assignments.

For Nov 12: Cancelled Text/Erasure:

More on Ronald Johnson & Radi Os:
More on Tom Phillips & A Humument:
  • Please read the Hayles essay on electronic reserve
I'm not sure this is an erasure text; if not, it certainly resembles one. And in any case, it raises some interesting possibilities for how erasure might be used. You'll have to pick her name off the contents page of Fascicle's first issue:



28 Sept: Here are the materials I have placed on Reserve.

Drucker, Johanna. Figuring the Word: Essays on Books, Writing, and Visual Poetics. NY: Granary Books, 1998. See especially: The Art of the Written Image, The Visual Line, Experimental/Visual/Concrete.

- - - . The Century of Artists’ Books. New York: Granary Books, 1995.

- - - . Word Made Flesh. New York: Granary Books, 1996. [1989] The whole class will be asked to look at this book, so it has a short circulation time.

Grimm, Reinhold. "Poems and/as Pictures: A Quick Look at Two and Half Millennia of Ongoing Aesthetic Intercourse." In his From Ode to Anthem: Problems of Lyric Poetry. Ed. Grimm & Jost Hermund. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1989. 3-85.

Hayles, N. Katherine. “A Humument as Technotext: Layered Topographies.” Writing Machines. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002. 72-99. .

Perloff, Marjorie. "The Invention of Collage." In The Futurist Moment: Avant-Garde, Avant Guerre, and the Language of Rupture. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1986. An important reading for understanding what collage is, and does.

Sheeler, Jessie. Little Sparta: The Garden of Ian Hamilton Finlay. Photographs by Andrew Lawson. London: Frances Lincoln, 2003.

14 Sept :

For next week, our introduction to Visual Poetry, please add these readings, all from Ubuweb:

Gomringer: "From Line to Constellation." Link is on the Gomringer page.

Finlay: "Letter to Pierre Garnier."
Link is on the Finlay page.

Roland Greene: "The Concrete Historical." Link is at the bottom of the Early Visual Poetry page.

Optional: Mary Ellen Stolt. The whole class is reading her general introduction to Concrete Poetry: A World View. You may want to read additional chapters.

14 Sept :

You have no additional reading for tonight. If you are interested in Flarf, you should follow up by reading the Tost / Hoy exchange, or other discussion on line.

3 Sept :

This link will take you to lengthy notes from an excellent book, Leonard Diepeveen's
Changing Voices: The Modern Quoting Poem. University of Michigan Press, 1993.
In class we will use Diepeveen's concepts to discuss the reading and making of quoting and collage poems: texture, gap, the two-stepped reading experience, Cubist & sculptural analogues, collage as nonmimetic art, & the various ways poetic voice is constructed or experienced.

You may also want to read these paragraphs by Charles Altieri, in which he is thinking about collage as a method of composition and a way of relating mind to object in a poem -- not necessarily about using found material in the writing of a poem.

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