
ABS Technology

May 2015 to Present

Junior Networking Engineer

Supported networking and collaboration engineers on several IT projects throughout the summer. Primary project included a major network infrastructure upgrade and Voice over IP (VoIP) implementation for a K-12 client.

George Mason University

Office of Communications and Marketing

March 2016 to May 2016

Web Content Assistant

Responsible for updating content on the University’s website using Drupal for the Office of Communication and Marketing.


George Mason University

Degree: Bachelor of Science, Information Technology

Concentration: Web Development and Multimedia

Minor: Business

Session: 2014-2018

Courtland High School

Diploma: Advanced Studies

Seals: Academic Excellence, Career and Technical Education,

Advanced Mathematics and Technology,

Excellence in Civics Education, and Community Service.

Activities and Societies: Latin Club, Multicultural Club

Session: 2010-2014

     My name is Scott Pastor and I just graduated from George Mason University with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with a concentration in web development and a minor in business. Now I have fully moved to Virginia Beach to pursue a career in my field of study.

     I have learned a lot in my four years at GMU; for example, I was sure I wanted to concentrate in Networking at first. My job was in networking at the time, and I seemed to have a decent grasp of it. I only wanted to work with hardware because I feared coding and other software related work. This distain for coding likely came from when I first took a college level Java programming class and failed it hard. When I retook it a semester later with a much harsher professor I had an entirely new respect for it. I realized that I needed to approach programming like a puzzle that takes a lot of trial and error to get right, and after looking at it through this new lens I welcomed the challenge.

     In my downtime I spend much of time playing rhythm games. The first rhythm game I played was Dance Dance Revolution for the PlayStation 2 when I was a young kid. Then, when I turned 16 and got my driver's license I would drive down to the local arcade to play DDR several times a week. When I moved to Virginia Beach after my first year of attending college, I met a ton of other players. This was such a drastic change for me because I had only really met a handful of players before in my small town. Because of this newfound community I got even more invested and nearly monthly started attending conventions, tournaments, and arcades all over the east coast with these new friends to compete.

Scott Pastor

Junior Programmer

(540) 903-3143

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