EDSE 517 Section 5S2 (3 credits)

Computer Applications for Special Populations

Fall 2005
Tuesdays 4:30-7:10
Thompson Hall Room 221

Susan H. Kenney, M.Ed.
Office phone: (703) 578-0345
Office hours: by appointment
Email address:
Course Description
This course is a lecture/laboratory course providing understanding of computer technology and its implications for instructional programs and career skills for students with disabilities.  Laboratory and demonstration experiences will enable students to better utilize devices and software in special education settings. 

Nature of Course Delivery
Learning activities in this class will include the following:

Student Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the history of assistive technology
  2. Describe and implement a comprehensive set of procedures for software review and evaluation for specific populations
  3. Describe and utilize key devices and software tools designed to help individuals with disabilities in educational settings including learning, physical, sensory, and intellectual disabilities
  4. Describe key features in selecting and using an augmentative and alternative communication device for an individual
  5. Define the issues related to the accessibility of the Internet by individuals with disabilities.
  6. Evaluate and select appropriate web-based activities for individuals with disabilities.
  1. Design an appropriate technology integrated lesson plan for a specific special education population


Relationship of Courses to Program Goals and Professional Organizations

This course is part of the George Mason University, Graduate School of Education, and Special Education Masters Degree Program.

Required Texts

Most course information, lectures, and readings will be posted on Blackboard at Additional readings will be handed out in class. There is no required textbook.  Students are required to bring a USB memory drive (also known as jump drives or thumb drives) to class to save student work.

Assessment of Course Requirements

 All assignments should be word-processed and are due at the start of class on the dates indicated including assignments submitted through Blackboard. Consult with the instructor in advance if there is a problem. In fairness to students who make the effort to submit papers on time, there will be a 10% cost reduction per day for late papers. (For example, a 20 point assignment will lose 2 points per day while a 50 point assignment will lose 5 points per day.) Please retain a copy of your assignments in addition to the one you submit. All assignments should reflect graduate-level spelling, syntax, and grammar. If you experience difficulties with the writing process you will need to document your work with the GMU Writing Center during this course to improve your skills.

It is recommended that students retain copies of all course products to document their progress through the GSE ED/LD/MR and/or SD licensure program. Products from this class can become part of your individual professional portfolio used in your portfolio classes that documents your satisfactory progress through the GSE program and the CEC performance based standards.

This syllabus may change according to class needs. If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability or if you have emergency medical information to share with me or need special arrangements, please call and/or make an appointment with me as soon as possible.

Course Expectations


Course Assignments

Please refer to the scoring rubric for additional information on this assignment. Students will submit a written copy of lesson plan to the instructor Students should also submit a copy of this assignment to Blackboard for the instructor’s records. Students will present their lesson plan on the last day of class. Students may choose to develop a PowerPoint presentation as part of their presentation, but are not required to. (Due Dec. 6)


Grading Scale

95-100 = A
90-94 = A-
85-89 = B
80-84 = B-
70-79 = C
  < 70 = F

College of Education and Human Development Statement of Expectations

All students must abide by the following:




Topic/Learning Experiences

Assignments Due


Aug 30

Lecture and Lab: Introduction to AT

Blackboard discussion-(This assignment will be done in class)


Sept. 6

Lecture and Lab: Teacher Productivity Tools

Blackboard discussion-


Sept. 13

Lecture and Lab: Software Features and Evaluation



Sept. 20

Lecture and Lab: AT for Students with Learning Disabilities-Writing Tools

Teacher Productivity Tools Assignment


Sept. 27

Lecture and Lab: AT for Students with Learning Disabilities-Reading Tools

Blackboard discussion-


Oct. 4

Lecture and Lab: AT for Students with Physical Disabilities

Blackboard discussion-


Oct. 11

Columbus Day Holiday: No Class



Oct. 18

Lecture and Lab: Augmentative and Alternative Communication



Oct. 25

Lecture and Lab: AT for Students with Sensory Impairments

Software Review


Nov. 1

Lecture and Lab: Using the Internet for Instruction

Blackboard discussion-


Nov. 8

Lecture and Lab: Authoring Tools



Nov. 15

Lecture and Lab: Accessing the General Curriculum-Language Arts

Technology Tools Assignment


Nov. 22

Lecture and Lab: Accessing the General Curriculum-Math, Science and Social Studies

Blackboard discussion-


Nov. 29

Lecture and Lab: AT and the IEP



Dec. 6

Student Presentations:
Assistive/Instructional Technology Lesson Plan and Adaptations Fair

Assistive/Instructional Technology Lesson Presentation and Adaptations Fair

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