Adjunct Instructor
EDSE 517

George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia
Young Students who were Guest Speakers for EDSE 517

Student AT users Teach Teachers

In 2003 I was asked to be the instructor of EDSE 517, "COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS," for Alexandria City Public School's George Mason cohort for Master's in Special Education. As is often the case, I learned so much while teaching!

This course is a fascinating overview of Assistive Technology available for people of many disabilities!   It covers many technologies from low tech to high tech. 

The possibilities are mind-boggling!  EDSE just scratches the surface, but it brings awareness of so many ways to help people!

While teaching teachers about the devices, I train students to use them.  Then I bring the two populations together for a lesson for all that can’t be duplicated in a book!

Young Student guest speakers at George Mason's EDSE 517 class. Young student guest speakers with Moms. These guest speakers added real life aspect to the 517 experience. The 7th grader and 3 4th graders spoke to the teachers about the Assistive Technology they have been using in school. The demonstrated some of their projects, gave lessons on using Alpha Smarts, Co:Writer, Write:Outloud, PowerPoint, and other software. They answered questions using technology and how it affects their school lives. The parents added their perspective discussing the benefits and difficulties of having and not having access to technology.

EDSE 517 is a class for teachers that can lift the burden of visions of grim futures for their students and replace it with hope!

Syllabus Fall 2005
Syllabus Fall 2005 in word
Word graphic

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