EDUC 897
Independent Study
Pilot Research Project

George Mason University
Spring 2009

  Student Typing

More documents from the study

This study that began in the fall of 2008 is becoming a reality! I started it with HSRB approval and waited for many months for district approval.  It was finally approved to begin in May but a variety of mishaps continued.  A great deal of learning has accompanied this study!

How Does the Use of Read and Write GOLD Software

Affect Writing Products Produced by Middle School Students with Special Needs?

RWG Research data with 3 charts RWG Data with 2 charts

Documents from RWG 9 Research

Consent and assent forms
Informational flyer
Scoring data sheet
RWG 9 Description
RWG 9 Rationale
Teacher letter
Training materials for students

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