EDIT 747
Literature and Collaboration

George Mason University
Spring 2007

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Journal Analysis
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Article Reviews

Dear Editor,

                     I was very impressed with the literature cited and the concepts included.  The paper was very informative, organized, and well presented.  I kept waiting to find out if such virtual change agents (VCA) were actually in existence or if the author was presenting characteristics that should be included in a proposed VCA.  As the author spoke I was thinking of the Wee and Wii characters that can be built in AIM and in the Wii games.  They have expressions that are triggered by words and phrases, so qualities the author stated as being needed for VCA are very possible to be built in a virtual character. 

                      Although the article was definitely about teacher education, and very timely, I didn’t see the research aspect.  The literature review seemed through but there was no study presented to verify the proposed findings. 

                       This is a topic of great interest to me in both my employment and my studies.  I have seen the reluctance to use technology that has been introduced with initial training and is available.  The reasoning provided that explained difficulties of technology integration were well stated.  The descriptions of the qualities needed in a VCA to help pre-service teachers made sense and were documented.  I think this article may be of interest to your readers, however the lacking study is of concern.    If having a study is imperative, I would suggest rejection.


Dear Author,

                     I was very impressed with the literature cited and the concepts included.  The paper was very informative, organized, and well presented.  I was unclear if such virtual change agents (VCA) were actually in existence or if the you were presenting characteristics that should be included in a proposed VCA.  As the you spoke I was thinking of the Wee and Wii characters that can be built in AIM and in the Wii games.  They have expressions that are triggered by words and phrases, so I imagine the qualities you mentioned as being needed for VCA are very possible to be built in a virtual character. 

                      Although the article was definitely about teacher education, and very timely, I didn’t see the research aspect.  The literature review seemed through but there was no study presented to verify the proposed findings. 

                       This is a topic of great interest to me in both my employment and my studies.  I have seen the reluctance to use technology that has been introduced with initial training and is available.  The reasoning you provided that explained difficulties of technology integration were well stated.  The descriptions of the qualities needed in a VCA to help pre-service teachers made sense and were documented.  I think this article would be of interest to readers, however the lacking study is of concern. Perhaps another journal would be interested in publishing it.   

First Review Comments


Excellent review.  Well written and accurate.  The only thing needed was a recommendation
to accept or reject.  We rejected this article based on the fact that there was too little
data to support the claims made.  You picked-up on this and mentioned it in your review. 

Nice catch!

JTATE #1 Review Grade:  +10/10

Second Review Comments

Hi, Susan,

Thank you for the JTATE review.  I am glad you liked the article.  Unfortunately, none of the other reviewers did so I rejected it.  Their big concern was the lack of data to support the claims.  There was also concern that the authors had been writing about this topic for some time, but have not built the system to see if it will work.

Grade for this assignment:  +10/10


Journal Analysis

Analyzing a Teacher Education Journal

EDIT 747

Dr. Debra Sprague


Susan H. Kenney

February 4, 2007


Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs  

The number of articles mentioning technology in the last 5 years


Vol. 6

March 2006 (Vol. 6 Issue 1 Page 1-66)                             2 out of 6 articles

May 2006 (Vol. 6 Issue 2 Page 67-114)                            0 out of 5 articles

October 2006 (Vol. 6 Issue 3 Page 115-165)                   0 out of 5 articles

Vol. 5

March 2005 – (Vol. 5 Issue 1 Page 1-44)                          0 out of 5 articles

June 2005 – (Vol. 5 Issue 2 Page 45-83)                          1 out of 5 articles

November 2005 – (Vol. 5 Issue 3 Page 84-127)              0 out of 5 articles


Vol. 4

March 2004 (Vol. 4 Issue 1 Page 1-64)                             0 out of 6 articles

June 2004 (Vol. 4 Issue 2 Page 65-112)               0 out of 5 articles

November 2004 (Vol. 4 Issue 3 Page 113-164)   0 out of 4 articles

Vol. 3

November 2003 (Vol. 3 Issue 3 Page 139-178)               0 out of 5 articles  

June 2003 (Vol. 3 Issue 2 Page 102-137)                         2 out of 5 articles

March 2003 (Vol. 3 Issue 1)                                                 0 out of 5 articles

Vol. 2

November 2002 (Vol. 2 Issue 3)                                         0 out of 5 articles

June 2002 (Vol. 2 Issue 2)                                       0 out of 5 articles

March 2002 (Vol. 2 Issue 1)                                                 0 out of 5 articles


I have read your journal analysis.  Nicely done!  Thank you for helping with this
research.  Grade assignment: +20/20


Debra R. Sprague
Associate Professor

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