R o w l a n d  W.  P i t t s

Software Engineering


Syllabus: SWE 510 -- Fall Semester, 2011
Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Location: Krug Hall, room 7
Time: 7:20 P.M. to 10:00 PM, Thursdays

Instructor: R o w l a n d  W.  P i t t s
Email: r p i t t s (at) g m u . e d u
Website: http://mason.gmu.edu/~rpitts/SyllabusSWE510.shtml
Office Hours:     by appointment, or email anytime

Text: Absolute Java (4th Edition), Addison Wesley, Savitch (Required)

  • Undergraduate courses or equivalent knowledge in programming in a high-level language.

Catalog Description:
  • This course introduces students to programming in the Java language. Topics include problem-solving methods and algorithm development, program structures, abstract data types, simple data and file structures, and program development in a modular, object-oriented manner. Introductory use of OO language features, including data hiding, inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling. Goals include design and development of Java classes and class type hierarchies. An introduction to Java servlets and applets is included. Emphasis on program development is reinforced through several programming projects.

  • 30% Programming Assignments
    Frequent programming assignments will reinforce object oriented concepts as well as practical techniques in java.
  • 15% Written Assignments
    Short written assignments will generally cover prior lecture topics and/or current reading assignments.
  • 20% Quizzes
    Weekly quizzes will take the place of a mid-term exam. Quizzes will generally cover topics from the previous lecture. The three lowest quiz grades will be dropped.
  • 30% Exam
    A comprehensive final exam will be given at the university scheduled exam time. Per the university policy, missing the final exam is grounds for failure.
  • 05% Participation
    Actively participating in class (or on the Blackboard discussion board if activated) and being well-prepared will positively impact your particpation score; likewise, being distracted (by gadgets, classmates, etc) or disruptive will negatively impact it, as will excessive absences (it's difficult to participate when not in class).

General Course Policies:
  • The University Catalog will cover most policies, but the following course specific policies will also be in effect.
  • Attendence: The university attendance policy considers excused only those absences associated with official school activities (athletics, etc) and religious holidays. Unfortunately, work-related travel is not considered excused. Students are responsible for any material missed in class when absent.
  • Makeup work (tests/quizzes/etc): Life is sometimes complicated, and it's understood that a student may be absent or late from time to time. It's for that reason that the three lowest quiz scores are dropped, so no make up quizzes will be offered. Per university policy, the final exam must be taken during the officially scheduled time. Homework and programming assignments may be submitted electronically, so a student need not be on campus to do so.
  • Late assignments: Learning to program can be frustrating and complicated, and some students struggle more than others, or with one particular assignment or anther. For that reason, programming assignments may be submitted late, but with a 5% penalty per day (unless prior permission is obtained from the instructor), up to the point when a solution is discussed in class or posted online. Exams and quizzes must be taken at the appropriate time, and all work must be submitted by the last week of class.
  • Lab Time: Unlike its undergraduate equivalents, SWE 510 has no structured lab component; however, time permitting, some class time may be devoted to hands-on work related to a programming assignment or class example. Therefore, students are welcome to bring laptops in order to take advantage of these opportunities, should they arrise; however, this should not be construed as a promise or gaurantee of "lab time" in class.
  • Electronic devices (laptops, smartphones, etc): Phone usage, text and/or instant messaging, emailing, and web surfing are not allowed in class. Computers may only be used to discretely follow the course material. Violators will be penalized (participation points); habitual violators will be asked to leave the class.
  • General Conduct: Students and the instructor will conduct themselves with courtesy and respect at all times. Discussion and disagreement are acceptable; however, arguments, insults and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated in the classroom.

Academic Integrity:
  • All provisions of the GMU Honor Code and CS Department Honor Code Policies are in effect. Each student has signed a statement agreeing to abide by the honor code.
  • Honor Code violations will be reported to the Honor Committee.
  • If any student makes an allegation of an honor code violation to the instructor, the instructor is obligated to report it.

Accommodations for Disabilities:
  • Students in need of academic accommodations for disabilities should contact the Office for Disability Services (ODS) at 993-2474, and provide the instructor with appropriate documentation. All academic accommodations must be arranged through the ODS.