Research Plan (due starting October 17): This is a three-page document due in conference that should start with a precise and concise statement of your research problem, continue with a summary description of the research you have completed thus far, and conclude with a detailed plan of how you intend to conduct the rest of your research. Among other things, your plan should include descriptions of the kinds of sources you will be consulting in order to represent the major points of view on your problem, and a list of tasks you need to complete. Your plan must be accompanied by a bibliography of at least 6 relevant sources that you have identified and plan to use in your Complete Draft, no more than 2 of which may be web pages. The plan should follow correct MLA citation form.

For examples of the Research Plan, see the following Research Plans from previous Honors 110 classes.

Project Plan on Darfur

Project Plan on Marriage

Project Plan on Self-Esteem