Featured Graphic Novel

Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art

A 215-page comic book about comics that explains the inner workings of the medium and examines many aspects of visual communication. Understanding Comics has been translated into 16 languages, excerpted in textbooks, and its ideas applied in other fields such as game design, animation, web development, and interface design.

Reading Comics with Scott McCloud

Reading comics can be a challenge as you enter. Which direction are the panels taking you? What text bubble should I read next? As you enter into the medium, you'll find that your mind adapts to the new mode of reading. Starting, in most comics, with the top left panel and working your way down will bring you to the end of the page. Some panels will surprise you as full-page panels either on the left or right. These should be included in your reading of the text and should fit in nicely.

Below you'll find a video from a TedTalk given by Scott McCloud. A cartoonist, McCloud wrote a book in the early nineties (see aside) that describes how to read not only panels and text, but the meanings of facial expressions and movement as well. Tackling current perceptions while weaving in the history of art and its relationship to text, McCloud's work is an excellent starting point for those interested in starting a relationship with comics and graphic novels.

Helpful Links

The links below are the full lists where my selections have been drawn. If you are looking for more books, this is the place to go!

Top 15 Graphic Novels for the Science Classroom

Young Adult Library Association: 2015 Great Graphic Novels for Teens

Association for Library Service to Children: Graphic Novels Reading List 6-8

Association for Library Service to Children: Graphic Novels Reading List 3-5

Association for Library Service to Children: Graphic Novels Reading List K-2

How to Love Comics: Glossary of Comic Book Terms