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Typing away on the keyboard she continued to search for some sort of idea or hint of what the answer could possibly be while still on the phone. Hysteria was on the other line. "Try searching for bruising and shaking, Aunt Lucy!" they cried to her. Distraught thoughts of what the ailment could be occupied her mind to the point that she did not want to even try to search anymore. The results from the Internet did not help her calm down with images and ideas of the worst possible conclusions such as cancer or diabetes. The relation between the actual symptoms and the results online were slim to none. She turned her neck slightly to the left and heard the dangling keys opening the door. As her daughter walked in she let out a sigh of relief that she will finally have help to try to figure out what is it that her mother had on the side of her stomach.

As I sat down next to my mother, I glanced at the pictures of my grandmother's stomach and had many questions to ask but she could only answered some. My grandmother was almost just as clueless as I was as to how and why she had such a painful mark on her stomach. I immediately told her to go to the doctor's or hospital but she said the prices were too high for the hospital and the doctor had given little help on what specifically it was. With no degree higher than a high school diploma, I was at a loss as to where to look next. Immediately like any other average person, I turned my attention and questions to Google. Though my mom had done the same, she was not aware of the latest software called Google Goggles. This latest computer software is useful for "searching and retrieving information over a global computer network, for language translation, and for viewing and sharing digital photos" (USPTO Issues Trademark, 2011). Within seconds, I had uploaded the photos my cousin's were able to retrieve of my grandmother's side to Google's search bar and retrieved various helpful results. It was with this clue that we were able to get at least an idea of what the problem was. My grandmother had a common physical condition that occurs with those of an older age. However, the hint of what the condition was would have never been found if not for Google Goggles. The software, Google goggles 1.1 is an innovative new version that has created an easier way to get information with a picture; however it has also raised concerns over whether or not this intensifies invasions of privacy by Google too in terms of ethics, legal administration, and security.

  • Google representatives Hartmut, an engineer from Google and Shailesh, a product manager from Google introduced the product earlier this year in the following video:
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