The winning author will receive a prize of $500, a contract for publication by Stillhouse Press, 10 copies of their book, and paid transport to the 2017 Fall for the Book festival in Northern Virginia, where the winner will participate in a reading and conversation with contest judge, Kyle Dargan. The contest is open from April 1st - June 15th, with the winner to be announced at the 2016 Fall for the Book festival.


  • Reading fee: $20/submission (multiple submisisons allowed); reading fee is non-refundable.
  • All submissions will be considered for publication.
  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed. Please notify us if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere.
  • All manuscripts should include a query letter and an overview of the work. Authors are also invited to share information about their writing background, on-line presence, involvemet with the writing community, and inspiration for their work.
  • Only complete manuscripts of poetry will be considered and should not exceed 120 pages.
  • Previously published books and books forthcoming elsewhere cannot be considered; poems previously published in priodicals or chapbooks are acceptable. Al work must be original. Translations will not be accepted.
  • Finalists will be judged by Kyle Dargan; Stillhouse Press cannot consider work from anyone currently or recently affiliated with the judge.
  • Entries will only be accepted online via Stillhouse Press' Submittable page; no hard copies or emailed submissions will be accepted.
  • Deadline for submissions is 11:59 p.m. EST, Wednesday, June 15th, 2016.


Kyle Dargan is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently Honest Engine: Poems (University of Georgia Press, 2015) and Logorrhea Dementia: A Self-Diagnosis (UGA, 2010). His debut, The Listening (UGA, 2004) won the 2003 Cave Canem Poetry Prize, and his second, Bouquet of Hungers (UGA, 2007) was awarded the 2008 Hurston/Wright Legacy Award in Poetry. Dargan’s poems and non-fiction have appeared in publications such as Denver Quarterly, Jubilat, The Newark Star-Ledger, Ploughshares,, and Shenandoah. While a Yusef Komunyakaa fellow at Indiana University, Dargan served as poetry editor for Indiana Review. Former managing editor of Callaloo, Dargan is also the founding editor of Post No Ills Magazine. He is Director of Creative Writing at American University and lives in Washington, DC.