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Where We Are

Memebers belonging to the World Peace Website are located all over the world.


The World Peace Website Headquarters is located in Washington, Distric of Columbia, the Capital of the Untied States.


Though our Headquarters is located in Washington we can be found all over the world spreading hope and peace throughout the world.



A picture taken in DC of the United States Flags Surrounding the Washington Monument.

Created by:Mihria Shabon








A picture of San Francisco Streets.

Created by:Mihria Shabon



Current Locations

























A picutre taken in a jungle somewhere and it is supposed to represent the Location South America.Created by:Mihria Shabon



A picture taken of the landscape in Italy over looking a valley of green grass.

Created by:Mihria Shabon




A group of women shaded by straw walls in Pakistan.

Created by:Mihria Shabon




A group of men carrying water in Morroco, dressed in their native clothes.Created by:Mihria Shabon


Sand Sculpture created at some beach. The sand sculpture has skulls at the bottom of someones feet.

Created by:Mihria Shabon










Future Locations










