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© Virginia Montecino 1996     revised May 2002
These directions may be freely distributed.

How to Use Pine (non-graphical interface) E-mail with your MEMO Computer Account

To use the mason server to access GMU MEMO in a text only interface, you need to have both a MASON password:  and a MEMO email password:

Logging on :

1. Select the telnet icon on the desktop on the lab computers OR select "RUN" from the Windows "START" menu (if that option is available). Then type in telnet  Type your e-mail name at the Username prompt. 

2. Type your mason password in the Password prompt (your e-mail password will not appear on screen for security reasons). This password may be different from your MEMO email account password. If you are activating a NEW mason account or changing your password, see the directions at the end of these instructions. 

3. If you get a VT100 message, press the Enter (return key). 

4. At the mason> prompt: type pinememo (use lowercase letters. Pine is case sensitive.) You will then be prompted for your MEMO password (which may or may not be the same as your Mason password). 

Type in your password (It will not show.) Then press ENTER

Basic Commands:
The ^ sign before a command means to hold down the CTRL key, while pressing the appropriate command key after the ^. (For example: holding down the CTRL key and pressing the D key at the same time will delete text 

  • To Cancel an activity, press ^C
  • To Compose a Message press C
  • To go to the Main Menu, press M or <
  • To Send a Message after you compose it, press ^X
  • To Delete letters one- by- one, press ^D
  • To Delete a Line of Text, press ^K ( This will delete everything on the line, before and after the point you execute the command. )
  • To Delete or Move a Block of Text, press CTRL^, and use the arrow keys to highlight the text you want to delete or move. When you get to the bottom of the text you want deleted or moved, press ^K to delete. If you change your mind, press ^U to undelete. ToMove text after you highlight it, move the cursor to the place you want to move the text, then press ^U to undelete.
5. Notice the MAIN MENU choices: Help, Compose, Folder Index, Folder List, Address Book, Set Up, Quit. Select the highlighted letter in front of the choice you want or press Enter

6. To COMPOSE and SEND a message:

a) Select C for Compose (Or press the Enter key when Compose is highlighted. You can move about with the arrow keys). After you select Compose you will see what looks like a memo form. Fill in the e-mail "name" (address) of the addressee. (You can send a copy to someone by typing that person's e- mail name at the CC:).

b) Fill in the Subject: Type the subject of your message.

c) Use the Down arrow to scroll down to the message portion. Type in the message. You can Cancel your message anytime by pressing the CTRL key and the C key ^C))at the same time.

d) Send your message by typing CTRL X.

7. To Create a Distribution List to send messages to a group.

a) Select the Address book option by pressing the letter A (you can access it from the Main menu by pressing the letter M if not already there.)

b) Select @ on the menu for "Add New"

c) Fill in the fields just like you would in the composer. To form a list, just enter multiple comma-separated addresses. To add to a list, use the View/Update ( >) command instead of the Add New command. It is ok to leave fields blank. Press ^X to save the new entry. To see the full e-mail name of mason pine users, press CTRL R for rich header. You can manually insert the full names of users on other e-mail systems (Be sure the mail names are between these symbols: < >, and names are separated by commas.)

8. To Send a message to a distribution list. Go to your Address book (A from the main pine menu). Highlight the nickname of the address list you want to send a message to. Press Enter . (To view the full name (Rich Header) of mason addresses, select CTRL R while viewing the distribution list in the Address book.)

9. To Send a distribution list to other university PINE users (as long as you are sure they want to be on your list), so the receivers of the list can insert it into their Address books (to use or modify): Select the Address book. Highlight.the nickname of the address list you want to send a message to. Press O (for Other command). Then press F ( for Forward). (If prompted, you do not have to expand the nicknames. ) Then just address the message to the people that you want to send the list to. Remind the receivers of the list to press T (for Take addresses)when they get the list. The list will then be placed in their Pine Address book.

10. To Retrieve a message, type the letter L to select Folder List from the Main Menu (remember to type the letter M to get back to the Main Menu if you can't get there from where you are). Then use the appropriate arrow (left, or right, up, or down) key to move around until you highlight the Inbox. Press the Enter key while the Inbox is highlighted to see messages sent to you. Press Enter again at a particular message (or type the number in front of that message) to see the text. To scroll down the full text of a long message, press the space bar.

11. To Forward a message to someone else, type the letter F while the message is on the screen and fill in theTo:with the e-mail address; Compose any additional text and delete any non-pertinent text (see basic commands above). Then send like any other message.

12. To Reply to a message, while the message you want to reply to is on the screen, press the letter R. When prompted, you can choose to include the original text message or not. Type your reply message and press ^ X . You can edit or delete any portion of the original text. To Cancel, Press ^C .

13. To Create a folder to put your messages in (When you have a lot of e-mail this is a good way to file away groups of messages under an identifying name), press A while in the folders portion of your e-mail. Or, while reading a message you want to save in a folder, type the letter S. A message will say Save to Folder [a name will be displayed]. To file your message under that name, press the Enter key. To change the name and put it in another folder, just type a new name. Notice the options at the bottom of the screen, such as renaming a folder.

14. To Export a message to your home directory in mason/osf1(to send as an attached file, or download to your home or office computer) press the E key, while reading it, and, when prompted, give the message a relevant name and press Enter. To see the message (file) in your home directory, at the> prompt, type ls

15. To Delete a message, either press the D key while reading it, or scroll to it in your message folder and select D. A letter D in front of the message indicates that the message will be deleted when you exit pine, if you select "Y" when prompted.

16. To Print a Message, select the Y or % key. (Be sure you have chosen the correct print option from the Set Up section of the Main Menu. For print options:

17. Printing

a) from on campus student labs- Select Setup from the main menu in pine. Then select P for printer. Then select Option 3 and type in the appropriate command. For example, if you are in Robinson A lab 105, after you select Option 3 , type in:

lpr -ProbA105

b) Printing from home computer - If you want to print to your personal printer, select Option 1 (ANSI) in Printer Setup. You can change the printer instructions any time to fit where you want to print out. 

18. To EXIT pine, type q. To completely log out of the system, type logout at the mason/> prompt. ***[To exit from home an additional step is required: At the GMU_Dial> prompt, type logout.] 

19. To create a "signature" block on your e-mail messages, so you don't have to individually "sign" your messages, select Setup from the Main Menu. Then select the Signature option. In the text "window," type your full name and whatever else you want to include. (You should not include your personal address or phone number.) You can edit your text by using the delete commands at the beginning of these instructions. Then press ^X to save your signature block. You will be asked if you want to "save" the modified buffer?". Type Y if you are satisfied, N if not.

20. To change your password, select Setup from the Main Menu. Then select the N option for newpassword. You will be prompted to enter your present password, then press Enter, then type your new password, press Enter, then type your same new password..

21. Working with Attachments (text, images, or executable programs sent to you in a form not readily visible in your e-mail message, but indicated in your message header) sent to you with an e-mail message:

a) To Read an attached text file, select the View option (See bottom of your screen for menu). Select the text file you want to read by using your arrow key and pressing Enter.

b) To Save the attached file in your mason/ directory, select the S option. You will be prompted to name the file. Type a relevant name, then press Enter. [NOTE: Your mason "home" directory is on a different server than your MEMO e-mail account. You can use an ftpprogram to export files from your mason directory to your local computer.] 

c) To see the filenames in your home directory, type ls at the mason/> prompt and press Enter.

d) To read and Edit an attached text file in your mason directory - not in pine, at the mason/>, type pico filename.txt (substitute filename.txt for the name and extension of your file). For specific editing commands, see the options at the beginning of these instructions). After you add or delete text, press CTRL X to edit and/or save changes. Type Y or N (when prompted), to save or not save changes. 

e) To Print an attached text file, select the Y option. (Some telnet programs do not allow the print option using this command.) 

f) To Attach a File (residing in your mason/> home directory) to an e-mail message, scroll down to the Attachment portion of the pine message header. Type in the name of the file residing in your home directory. If you don't remember the name of the file, select ^J, then ^ T. You will be sent to your home directory where you can scroll to the correct file, and press Enter. (You can only do this if the file was exported to your mason directory from an email or if it was uploaded ("put" or "ftp-ed") into your mason directory. )

g) To Send a file as part of an e-mail message, select ^ R while in the message portion of pine. Then select the correct file from your directory. This is not a good option, however, for long texts since they will clog up the receiver's email account.

22. To find out the e-mail address of someone with a gmu computer account, at the mason/osf1> prompt, type whois -h lastname (substitute the person's last name for "lastname") and press Enter.

The person's E-mail address appears to the right of the person's name. If you want more information about a person, for example for "John Doe," type whois -h jdoe and press Enter.

If the list of names is too long to read on one screen use this method: type
whois -h lastname | more (substitute the person's last name for "lastname") and press Enter

To end the scrolling of names, press CTRL C.

Accessing the Internet (via a text-only browser) from your Mason/osf1 account

To Access the Internet, at the mason or> prompt, type lynx. Lynx is a fast hypertext web browser, minus graphics viewing capability. You can also type in specific URLs (http://addresses). Type lynx to access GMU's home page. You can mail information to yourself by selecting the
(P) option, then the Mail a File option. Then type in your e-mail address and send it. You can also send the file to your mason/osf1 directory by selecting the Send a File option. Type ls at the > prompt to see if the file is in your home directory.

For a Web browser that lets you see pictures and graphics, use a Graphical User Interface (GUI) browser like Netscape or Internet Explorer.

To Activate your GMU MEMO E-mail Account or Reset your Password (new e-mail system) at

Then Activate your mason computer account to access the pine program at

OR From a lab computer on campus:

  1. Click on the telnet program icon or select Start (lower left hand of screen, then Run, then type in the window telnet
  2. At the login: prompt, type accounts and press Enter
  3. At the Password: prompt, press Enter
  4. At the GMU ID number (SS#) prompt, type in your 9 digit number and press Enter. Your SS # won't be displayed for privacy.
  5. Your name will then appear. When prompted "Is this correct?," type Y if correct. If the information is not correct, the session will end and you will have to start over.
  6. At the prompt for "Your Pin," type your four (4) digit PIN number. Your PIN won't be displayed for privacy.
  7. Follow the rest of the prompts to get your new account or reset your password.
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