Virginia Montecino
Ó18 July 1999 copyright

Student Web Page

Since this is an Internet literacy class,  I expect you to publish your course work on a course Web page, which will be linked to your home page on the George Mason Unitersity mason server.  This class is a good opportunity to become aware of the complexities of Web publishing - privacy, copyright, reliability of Web sources, audience concerns, etc.  Being aware of how to protect yourself and your copyrighted material, as well as the material produced by others that you reference on your Web page, is an essential component of this Internet literacy class. (If there is some reason why your identity should not be disclosed, please advise me about this to make other arrangements.)

 Please read these important Guidelines for Student Web Pages ( 

After you read the guidelines above, please send me a private email stating that you understand the guidelines and agree to abide by them. 

Here are specific guidelines for your course Web page. 

  • Create a link on your "home" page to a page devoted to your Internet Literacy 249 class
  • The html file that you create as the "home" page for your NCLC 249 Internet Literacy work should be called: nclc249.htm
  • Include 2 graphics (.jpg or .gif). You may use your own color and graphics choices (if they fit the guidelines).
  • Be sure there is sufficient contrast between the background and the text.
  • Create your own graphics or use free graphics and clipart.
  • Be sure your background is not so "busy" as to make it difficult to read the text.
  • Observe copyright laws and, of course, do not plagiarize someone else's work.

The html "page" file called nclc249.htm should contain: