
Marek Kunz


Address and phone number available upon request.


George Mason University, Fairfax , VA May 2010 - Expected May 2014
Bachelor's, Computer Science, 3.73
Dean's List: Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012

Computer Skills

Languages: Java, C, C#, JavaScript, Python, HTML, PHP
Operating Systems: Windows XP, 7, 8, Linux Family

Computer Projects

TouchPad SkyDrive (WebOS):
▪ Application programmed in JavaScript, using the Enyo framework, and in the C programming language.
▪ Interacts with Microsoft's Live Connect API using HTTP operations.
▪ Application allows the user to interact with files and folders stored on their Microsoft SkyDrive account.

CrunchApp (WebOS/Web):
▪ Web application programmed in JavaScript, using the Enyo 2.0 framework.
▪ Interacts with CrunchBase servers using HTTP operations.
▪ Allows the user to retrieve information from the CrunchBase database.

TouchPad Text Editor for Engineers (WebOS):
▪ Text editor programmed in JavaScript, using the Enyo framework, and in the C programming language.
▪ Allows the user to create and delete text files as well as execute code on ideone.com servers.
▪ Uses XML with SOAP to interact with ideone.com servers.

Math Quiz Jr (Windows Phone 7/WebOS):
▪ Application for both the WebOS operating system and Windows Phone 7 operating system that helps users improve their math skills.
▪ Application is programmed in JavaScript for the WebOS version and in C# for Windows Phone 7 version.

Caramel for SugarSync (Windows Phone 7):
▪ Application programmed in C# that interacts with both Microsoft's Live Connect API and SugarSync's API.
▪ Allows the user to interact with files and folders stored on their SugarSync and SkyDrive accounts.
▪ Uses XML to interact with SugarSync's servers.

CalcNode: Calculator & Converter (WebOS):
▪ Base conversion and high precision calculator application.
▪ Programmed using the Enyo framework in JavaScript.

Work Experience

Macy's Tysons Corner, McLean                    April 2010 - Present
Sales Associate
▪ Provide outstanding service to customers in purchase of small electrics and luggage.

Other Information

Multilingual: English and Czech