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Web Authoring and Design


Design is easy. All you do is stare at the screen until drops of blood form on your forehead. -Marty Neumeier


In order to attach an image, you can either link from an image hosted online or use one that you have uploaded to your server. Make sure to be aware of any copyright images you may try to use. The most simple way to add an image to a website is <img src="name">. Of course, instead of "name" you add the link name of the image. That will be either the file name you upload or the direct link you take from an image online. There are more complicated ways to add an image: you can change the alignment, size, or even add a link to it. When you start to change the size of the images, they can tend to look stretched. Take a look at this page for an example of different sizing of images and what the outcome can look like.

Baby Kitty taking selfies while folding laundry