I ran through the trees trying my best to dodge them. I was coming close to the river and could hear it rushing by over the creature that chased me from behind. I was nervous about many things as I came close to the river. I was scared of jumping into a rock or getting sucked under by the undertow. They seemed small in comparison to being torn apart by creature claws and teeth. I rapidly approached the river edge.

    My feet left the ground and I felt myself submerge into the water. The water soaked through my clothes and reminded me of how cold I was before the chase started. My body went streamline and I went down the river. The rapids caused my face to submerge and I quickly feared my death. I came to the top once again. I hit a boulder which I felt cut into my skin. However I floated on. I could feel the river slowing down.


    I let my body go limp as I lowered my feet in the water. I touched the bottom and caught a rock that stood me upright. No undertow carried me under refusing to let me breathe. I started towards the side of the river. My body was freezing and I quickly sought warmth. The matches in my pocket were in a waterproof container. I quickly tried to gather wood and kindling and threw them on the ground in a pile. I built the cabin shape and put the kindling in the middle. I lit the leaves and strips of bark and let them warm me back to comfort.