I walked down the river not knowing how I would get out of the forest. The fire had just warmed me and dryed my clothes. I pierced through the night. Surely it was around three in the morning. The sun rise would be just a few hours off but like always it is always darkest before the dawn. The moon barely shone through the clouds as I had a hard time making my way along the river. I tripped over many roots and rocks. This was beginning to take a toll on my energy level.

    Luckily I was not walking right on the river as that would be dangerous. I continued down the path and tried to find myself amongst the trees. I needed to find food soon but I also needed a sign as to where I was. The cold began to seep through my jacket again and I needed a path or a way out.

    I walked down the path and suddenly tripped over something metalic. I looked down and noticed that this metalic object ran down and up as far as I could see which although wasn't far. Train tracks. I had two choices. The Train tracks would lead to civilization at some point but a river would more than likely do the same at some point. I had to make a decision. How long could I live off the forest?