Mimi Corcoran
   George Mason University
   Educational Leadership Ph.D. Portfolio
   Primary Concentration:  Mathematics
   Secondary Concentration: Instructional Technology

 EDUC 802:  Leadership Seminar

Course Description             Course Reflection             Back to Program of Study

Course Description

Intensive study of leadership, emphasizing decision and change processes, and assessment and development of leadership skills.

Course Outcomes

  1. Analyze the concept of leadership in a variety of forms, venues, and styles;
  2. Understand the evolution of philosophical orientations that articulate a defined concept of leadership;
  3. Write with cogency about leadership and related academic issues;
  4. Identify individual orientations and dispositions associated with effective leadership and how leadership relates to the broader educational community;
  5. Support their understanding of the emergent nature of leadership in education with targeted consideration toward an expanding international context and the role of culture by drawing on historical and current research and literature in the field to inform both local and wider reaching decision making.
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Course Reflection

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