Mimi Corcoran
   George Mason University
   Educational Leadership Ph.D. Portfolio
   Primary Concentration:  Mathematics
   Secondary Concentration: Instructional Technology
 Dissertation Planning Goal Statements

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Alice:  I was just wondering if you could help me find my way.
Cheshire Cat:  Well, that depends on where you want to get to.

 Alice in WonderlandLewis Carroll

        I have felt like Alice for a while now.  When I started the program, a dissertation was a far away endeavor, a worrisome one; but, it was one for the future.  I remember sitting in my EDUC 805 (parade of Ph.D.s) class and hearing about a variety of research areas and how enthusiastic the speakers were.  I still did not have a clue what was involved in research but I knew I wanted to do it.  At my initial interview, I was asked about my goals and I replied that I wanted to do research but I did not know how.  Now that I have completed my course work, the future became the present and I struggled with deciding on a dissertation topic.  I initially thought I would research something in statistics education.  However, I found a dirth of research articles which were applicable and I became frustrated.  I was like Alice, not knowing where I wanted to go.  Then, this past June, I was at the AP Calculus exam reading in Kansas City having a conversation with several colleagues.  They were talking being better teachers becuase they were AP readers.  A light went on.  I asked they to explain.  Some said that they understood the grading rubrics better and could pass that on to their students.  Some said that they were more conscious of precision or units or verbal explanations.  As I asked more questions and saw the interest in my colleagues had for the subject, it dawned on me that I had my dissertation topic.  My big "Aha" moment.  I can tell the Cheshire cat where I want to go.  

        This, of course, nver would have happened if I had not been so well prepared.  I have still have trepidations, of course.  And, I still worry.  But, now that I have decided on a topic which really interests me, I feel confident that I have been well prepared to embark on this work.  My preparation, through coursework, summer institutes and the REU program have 
been incredibly influential on my growth as a teacher and researcher.  My pre-GMU exposure to teacher professional development was rather dismal.  I have learned that well-designed, purposeful teacher professional development is crucial.  Teachers need to have many resources at their disposal so that they can assess the effectiveness of differing approaches and activites in their classrooms and determine which are the most advantageous for their students' success.  I greatly enjoy reading the reflections which the participants in the summer institutes write becuase I can see their breadth of knowledge increasing and understand their joy.  I feel the same way due to the growth I have experienced here.

        I have been learnign from the errors of other.  In some of the research which I have been reading recently, I noticed that some of the articles had contradictory information.  I also noticed that the research methods or sampling techniques left something to be desired. The lack of proper technique pulls the research into question.  I want to avoid that.  I vividly remember my first EDRS 810 class; we were all nervous and did not know much at all about research.  I left that class knowing that I had a long way to go, but that I could do it.  I still feel that way; but, I now have the advantage of several experiences.  

        My immediate goals are not surprising.  I look forward to meeting with my committe and getting guidance on developing my dissertation research questions.  There are many more articles which I want to read.  And, I have HSRB work which needs to be completed.    

        My intermediate goals currently are:
  • prepare for my STEM presentation at the VAIS (Virginia Association of Independent Schools) conference on 04 November 2013
  • prepare for my statistics presentation at the PCTM (Pennsylvania Coucil of Teachers of Mathematics) conference on 08 November 2013
  • complete the SPSS work on the 2013 summer institutes
  • continue working on my next article which concerns the balance of high school GPA with depth of learning
        My long-term goals include securing a university faculty position in mathematics education and/or mathematics and continuing to develop my research skills.  Several years ago, I never would have believed that I would be so interested in teacher professional development.  But, I think back to when I thought of myself as a "quantitative person" and wondered what in the world "mixed methods" were?   My, how things have changed.   I have learned so much and am eager to continue learning.  This has been and continues to be a fabulous journey.

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