Mimi Corcoran
   George Mason University
   Educational Leadership Ph.D. Portfolio
   Primary Concentration:  Mathematics
   Secondary Concentration: Instructional Technology
Survey - Part III, Open Response Questionnaire
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        Please respond to each question as fully as possible.  Please include any amplifying information.  If insufficient space is not provided, please attach extra sheets.

Why did you apply to become an AP Calculus reader?

What was the most beneficial part of the AP Calculus reading for you?  Why?

Based on your AP Calculus reading experiences, have you changed the way you teach your AP Calculus class?  Why or why not?  If yes, how?

Based on your AP Calculus reading experiences, have you changed the way you teach your other classes?  Why or why not?  If yes, how?

Have your students' AP scores improved since you became a reader for the AP Calculus exam?  

Would you be willing to participate in a telephone interview?      Yes      No
If yes, please give your phone number and the best times to call you.  Please give your email so that I can contact you ahead of time to arrange a time for the phone call.
Any additional commentary which you believe is pertinent:

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