Mimi Corcoran
   George Mason University
   Educational Leadership Ph.D. Portfolio
   Primary Concentration:  Mathematics
   Secondary Concentration: Instructional Technology

  AP CALCULUS Reading Invitation Letter

January 2013

Dear Administrator:

On behalf of the College Board's Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) and Educational Testing Service, I am delighted to offer an invitation to Mimi Corcoran to serve as an AP Reader at this year's annual AP Reading.

I anticipate that in May 2010 more than 1.5 million exceptional students from around the globe will take approximately 2.9 million AP Examinations in 22 subject areas.

Except for the Studio Art examination — which consists of a portfolio assessment — all exams contain multiple-choice and free-response questions (either essay or problem-solving) that provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of rigorous, college-level coursework.

In June 2010, nearly 11,000 college faculty and AP teachers from around the world will gather in Louisville, Kentucky; Kansas City, Missouri; Cincinnati, Ohio; Colorado State University - Fort Collins, Colorado; and the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida, to evaluate and score about 11 million free-response answers.

Participants in the AP Reading will:

  • Receive training in consistent application of the scoring standards, and use those standards to score student responses;
  • Interact with members of the AP Development Committee responsible for revising the AP Course Description and developing the exam, giving and receiving information about the current state of teaching and learning in the discipline;
  • Discuss achievement, assessment and teaching strategies with college faculty and AP teachers;
  • Develop a network of professionals in their discipline that will last a lifetime; and
  • Earn 5.2 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

The careful evaluation of students' work is one of the most important aspects of the AP Program. The AP Program's acknowledged success is due to an evaluation and scoring process that reflects the high standards of faculty members who, by virtue of their experience and expertise, have appropriate student performance expectations within their respective disciplines.

The AP Program sincerely hopes that you will encourage your faculty to participate in this year's AP Reading in every possible way. AP Readers testify that participation in the annual Reading offers a rare and enriching professional development experience and the opportunity to develop teaching approaches and ideas through close interactions with a diverse group of professional colleagues.

Many thanks in advance for your support of the academic experience of students worldwide.


Trevor Packer
Vice President
Advanced Placement Program

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