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July 9,1999

Action Items

  1. AASHTO, FHWA, and TRB will meet to develop recommendations for a short-term research program to submit to congressional staff. A meeting has been scheduled for August 20, and any resulting recommendations will be shared with the Forum participants.

  2. TRB, in consultation with FHWA and AASHTO, will appoint working group chairs (Sept. 1)

  3. Chairs, secretaries, and research sponsor liaisons will meet to develop specific charge and operating guidance for working groups (mid-Sept)

  4. Working groups will meet (late Fall)

  5. Reports will be provided to AASHTO Standing Committee on Research and RTCC in Spring 2000.

  6. Forum participants will be kept advised as these activities proceed.


    Bob Skinner welcomed the forum participants on behalf of TRB, AASHTO, and FHWA.

    Opening Presentations

    Charlie Miller described the background of the partnership: the funding implications of TEA-21, earmarking of FHWA research funds, need for new partnerships involving all research sponsors, and the first forum meeting held on December 10, 1998. The December meeting confirmed that a national framework for R&D is needed, outlined the major elements and characteristics, and identified the five working groups (plus one oversight group).

    Miller defined the meeting objectives as: (1) to further develop the framework concept, considering the 3-tier approach described in the discussion paper, and (2) to develop an approach for advancing the working groups' operations.

    Ken Wykle described FHWA's interest in this initiative, noting that the need for innovation is widely held within USDOT, including support by the Secretary. The process needs to involve all parties, working together with effective communication and coordination. The agenda needs to be national, not just FHWA, and make the best use of funds through leveraging and partnerships. It also needs to address societal needs.

    Wykle described key items of the framework including: identifying requirements in long- and short- term categories, determining available resources and capabilities, identifying shortfalls, and communicating with Congress.

    Denny Judycki outlined activities that were completed since the December meeting, including a focus on priorities reflected in the R&T Status Report, involvement of SCOR, meetings of the safety and policy working groups, and TRB's role as facilitator.

    Dan Flowers described AASHTO's perspective (see Attachment A), and David Huft described related activities of AASHTO's Standing Committee on Research and the Research Advisory Committee (see Attachment B).

    Discussion Paper

    Bob Skinner indicated that the premises of the working paper were that the undertaking was worthwhile, even though the benefits still need to be confirmed. Some structure is needed, but will most likely change. Expectations should be reasonable, and the initiative should be viewed as a long-term effort.

    The framework's goals include: a more efficient and effective R&T agenda, better awareness and sense of ownership, new mechanisms for partnerships, and the engagement of constituencies. Skinner noted coordination is needed in light of the number of players involved and the complexity of the transportation programs. To be determined are the types of coordination to be involved in the framework, the scope (research, T2, implementation), and applications (national, state, local).

    Skinner then summarized the major points in the discussion paper and the 3-tier concept. He noted that the working groups, tier 2, are the critical units, and that still to be determined is the desirable number of groups. His sense is that all parties will be encouraged to participate, at least as long as this approach is manageable, and he noted that funding for group activities may become an issue at some point.

    Open Discussion on Framework

    All participants offered valuable comments and suggestions regarding the need and approach for this initiative. The following summary attempts to capture the general sense of the comments, albeit not a consensus on each item.

    1. The initial focus will be on highways, with possible later expansion to other modes.

    2. The expectations of the framework/forum need to be defined, i.e., "what it will be when it grows up".

    3. The initiative should include an action agenda that results in priorities, outcomes, and products. The framework needs to have some value-added and strength of purpose, i.e., more than coordination and communication. Part of the desired value added is a better understanding of the total picture to allow more informed funding and programming decisions.

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