Basics of Web Authoring and Design

Determining Content

After determining your strategy for achieving your site's purpose, you can then move on to the other four planes, which involve the content, layout, organization, and design of your website.

The strategy that you develop will determine the scope of your site; that is, the content and features that you will include on your website. It is also equally important at this stage to consider what your scope will NOT include. The purpose and user needs that you have already indentified should drive your decision of what content is necessary to include and what is irrelevant.

The structure plane is where you figure out how you want to organize and group the information on your website. Ideally, you should organize this information with your users in mind, trying to group it based on how they will look for or use the information.

This plane is concerned with how the various functions of the website are able to interact with one another, such as which buttons will be used to guide users through various tasks across the site's pages, what images are needed to enhance the content, etc. You will thus determine your navigation during this step, and need to keep in mind the needs of your users and how you can make your site easy to navigate.

Finally, after the content, functions, and organization of your website have all been determined, you can start thinking about how your website will look, taking into account colors, branding, etc. This will be determined again by the purpose and audience of your site. If you are building a website for a finance company, for example, then the site will likely need to look sleek and professional. If you are building a website about nursery rhymes that will mainly be visited by children and their parents, you'll likely want to make the site colorful and fun.