NCLC 120 focused on science and the
environment. I learned a lot about the evolutionist point of view, and
the science used to support this point of view. Even though I do not
agree with this perspective, I was able to see how persuasive the
argumnet for evolution is. This course taught me about the importance
of taking care of the environment and the importance of asking
questions. I learned the importance of recycling and how it can help protect the environment. In my discovery paper for this course, I studied recycling. As I learned more anout the topic, I began to realize the impact recycling can have on the world. Recycling not only saves trees, but it prevents toxic wastes from entering the environment. If these toxic wastes were releases into the world, many people would die or become extremely ill. Recycling not only protects the environment, but it also protects us from deadly chemicals. NCLC 120 also taught me the importance of asking questions and figuring out the most challenging concepts. I learned that asking questions helped me understand the material better. For example in Learning Log 3, I asked how scientists believed that DNA came into being. Even though I never received an answer to my uestion, I gained a deeper understanding of natural selection and how it works only in the present. Scientists do not know how DNA came into being because they weren't there whenit was created. All they see now is how DNA is being altered by natural selection. Similarly in Learning Log 1, I had to pick a topic that I had a hard time understanding and explain why I couldn't understand the subject. I chose the idea of "immortal genes." I had a hard time understanding how here were some genes that had never changed. When I finished explaining Why I did not understand, I realized that I finally did understand what "immortal genes" were because I had just explained the concept in that same paragraph. It is important to ask questions and figure out areas that are hard to understand. NCLC 120 taught me t appreciate the environment and to ask questions. Now that I have a deeper understanding of the importance of recycling, I will recycle more. Also, I hope to advocate for recycling either by telling people to recycle or by joining a club that raises awareness for the cause. NCLC 120 showed me the importance of asking questions, and I hope to encourage my students to ask questions as well. I may not know the answer, but I want to try and do my best to answr all of their questions. This will make them better students, and it will make me a better teacher. NCLC 120 helped me become a better citizen by teaching me to take care of my environment, and it will help me become an effctive teacher by encouraging my students to ask questions. |