ENGH 388 Portfolio

Resume & Cover Letter

Here is the cover letter and the revised version of my resume. The rest of my portfolio materials can be located below.

Download my resume here.

Download my cover letter here.

Portfolio Pieces

King Street Art Festival Success

Every year the King Street Art Festival is held in the middle of Old Town in Alexandria, Va. I visited the event to interview and report on the event. It's an example of my ability to write an article reporting on an event in the area.


In historic Alexandria, Va., the 12th annual King Street Art Festival kicked off on Sept. 13 and 14, 2014 showcasing original artwork of local and national artists. The festival blocked off King Street from N Washington Street to the Waterfront and essentially became a seven block outdoor art gallery.

Read more here.

Mandatory GMO Labeling Concerns

Here is a white paper I wrote in research preparation for the GMO food labeling issues proposal below. It shows my ability to research a topic and clarify the controversy concisely.


The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 and other food labeling laws are at the heart of the GMO controversy. People are divided on GMOs due to health and safety concerns, possible food industry businesses expenses and profit losses, and the possible increase in the price of food. It comes down to two opinions - GMOs are safe and there is no need to further add GMO labeling or GMOs are not safe and American's have a 'right to know' or a 'right to choose' what they are eating (Hemphill and Banerjee)...More than 90 percent of Americans think mandatory GMO labels are a good idea (McWilliams). Consequently, it is the 'right to know' and 'right to choose' foods that alarms the food industry. Another report by the Consumers Union found it would cost an additional $2.30 per consumer each year (Entine). However, labeling costs are a small fraction of what most companies are concerned about. Companies worry GMO food labels will influence customers' perceptions of GMO's and cause them to perceive of GMO's as unsafe, thus causing the customer to not purchase their item and resulting in profit losses (Hemphill and Banerjee).

Read it here.

Compulsive Buying Disorder - addiction, compulsion, poor impulse control, or no problem at all?

I wrote this paper for a personality psychology research paper. I work in retail right now and I see a quite a few different attitudes towards shopping. It seemed an interesting topic to delve into. It's an example of my ability to switch writing styles as well as research and speak competently on a topic that is somewhat unfamiliar.


If you've ever watched an episode of the reality TV show "Extreme Couponing" or the movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic", you've seen someone exhibiting some aspects of behavior associated with a personality disorder called compulsive buying disorder (CBD), otherwise more commonly known as a "shopping addiction" or compulsive shopping. Compulsive buyers are more commonly known as shopaholics who will "shop til they drop" and spend more money than they can afford. Compulsive buyers are generally interested in purchasing material goods such as clothing, shoes, jewelry, makeup, kitchen items, and CD/DVDs. Compulsive buying disorder is a chornic, time-consuming and frankly expensive condition than can fluctuate in intensity due to seasonal and/or holiday deals.

Read more here.

Alexandria Mobile Arts Lab

Visit the Design & Video tab and watch the video at the bottom of the page for this contribution to my portfolio. It also describes the video content.