Keith Ragin

(1) Shlyakhtunov, M. A. (2021). White-Grey-Black Hat Hackers Role in World and Russian Domestic and Foreign Cyber Strategies. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12(8). This reference is relevant to my research because it talks about the ideas of whute hat hackers, gray hat hackers, and black hat hackers. It goes into depth with the reasoning for black hat hackers such as them ranging from amateurs to experienced criminals. White hat hackers being professional cybersecurity experts hired by many companies. They'll perform penetration testing and seeing vulneralbilities in companies. Gray hat hackers are in the middle of the two. What they are doing is illegal though it is not in a malicous intent.
(2) Antil, Y. (2022, January 13). Ethical Hacking and Hacking Attacks. INTERANTIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, 06(01). This refernce helps understanding the different types of hacker a bit more in depth. It goes into the advantages and disadvantages of ethical hacking. Ethical hacking is an information security branch and also called "penetration testing" or "white hat hacking". There is also unethical hacking which affects the development of system and networks in a negative way. It is carried out without the target's knowledge and are called cybercriminals. Process of ethical hacking goes from reconnaissance, scanning, gaining control, maintaining access, to log clearing.
(3) White hat, gray hat, black hat. (2005, October 3). Proquest. This article is really tallking about how the government benefits and does not benefit from the different type of hackers. Hiring white hat hackers is good for your network or and company. Paying them to see if it is vulnerable or not. However, you are not ever supposed to hire a black hat hacker. They are liable to do something illegal.

Website Media References

White Hat Hackers Picture
Grey Hat Hackers Picture
Black Hat Hackers Picture
Introduction Picture

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