(Last Modified: January 31st, 2002)
2000 photos
2001 photos
2002 photos

Connecticut Trip - The Moores Cabin, January 2002:

The Moore's Cabin
(Photo Courtesy of: Our Host, Harley)

David & Johanna

Sunset over the lake
(Photo Courtesy of: Our Host, Harley)

Frozen Waterfall
(Photo Courtesy of: Our Host, Harley)

The group confronts the truck, as we leave.
Bye everyone, it was GREAT!

David, with some piece of technological equipment.
Yes, his GPS did work with his laptop.

New York City Trip - February 2002:

Phi proudly stands with the NYC lady officers on horseback.

Renu showing her skills (and smile) on the Ice! 

Johanna showing her lack of skill, as she holds onto the side railing.
Where is speedy Phi?!

All skated out... Phi departs our company,
but not before giving me bunny ears.  Hey!?

Renu & Chris either in China Town, or Little Italy.

The Farmhouse Retreat - March 2002:

Jo poses out by the farmhouse and tree.
The bird feeder out front was a frenzy every day.
The the right we saw a ground hog, and rabbit feasting together.

David, never far from technology.
Actually Tanya, and myself also both had laptops.  Geeks!

Two glasses of water, and me with poor table manners.  ;P

Peek-a-boo David, hiding in the barn before we depart.

Carl & Tylers Engagement Celebration - April 2002:

The 'Twins' (Eric and Tyler) celebrate their birthdays.

Mike, Carl, Renu, Brian, Death, and me just hanging.

Carl and Tyler feed eachother cake...

The frenzy begins!

Kiss and Make up.

Congratulations to the happy couple to be!
Don't you just love happy endings?

Outer Banks Beach Trip - October 2002: 

Mucho Dinero... The house that we shared for a few days.  Never enough time...  (Photo courtesy of:  Alex L)

We arrive and go out to dinner at Carolina Seafood.
Brian, Ali, and Jay.  (Photo courtesy of:  Alex L)

Elena and Aaron strike a pose after indulging in all you can eat seafood.
(Photo courtesy of:  Alex L)

 Breakfast Prep Crew:  Sujata (aka: Juice girl), 
Jim (aka: Beer guy), and Jack
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

 Thirty-One people munch on breakfast together!
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

 Breakfast Clean-up Crew:  Tim, Wendy, and Elena
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

Breakfast Clean-up Crew: Jay, and Maggie
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

Sujata & Eugene - Sunshine on the front doorstep
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

Elena preps the board for a game of Cranium.
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

Tim & Wendy just enjoying the down time.
(Photo courtesy of:  Alex L)

David comments on the state of the pool.
(Photo courtesy of:  Alex L)

Death just smiling.
(Photo courtesy of:  Alex L)

Yet another game of spades:  Brian (with a good hand), Trish, and Aaron.
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

The pool sharks get some practice time in:  Alex R, and Shahrouz,
with Rob watching from the sofa
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

Wendy watches over the surf from the dunes.
(Requested to move off protected dunes shortly after.
Dunes are the only protects of holding the sea at bay,
preventing errosion, and protecting the homes.)
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

Tim returns on private walkway after visiting the beach. 
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

Cloudy, overcast, but simply breathtaking views of our little private oceanfront.
(Photo courtesy of:  Joe J)

Maggie got the crew up, out, and on their way to catching dinner!
David, Maggie, Keith, Elena, and Johanna.

A fishing we will go...  David, & Keith before we start
getting our hands dirty.
(Photo courtesy of:  Maggie P)

Elena catches one fo the Mullets that we ate for dinner!
"I caught a fish this big Mom."

 Our catch of the day... trout, mullet, croaker, & puffer
Elena, David, Keith, Johanna, & Maggie
Cleaning our catch is Kelly the shipmate.
(Photo courtesy of:  Maggie P)

Dolphins off the starboard
(Photo courtesy of:  Maggie P)

Dolphins off the stern
(Photo courtesy of:  Maggie P)

Dophins off the port side
(Photo courtesy of:  Maggie P)

Dophins last show as they swim away
(Photo courtesy of:  Maggie P)

We head back to port, and Keith does his Titanic impression.
(Photo courtesy of:  Maggie P)

It is only noon, but the sun is hidden by the clouds temporarily.
The beginnings of a wonderful afternoon of swimming.
(Photo courtesy of:  Maggie P)

1500 piece puzzle.  Worked on by 5 persons.  Completed within 14 hours.  5-6 pieces missing.
(Photo courtesy of:  Maggie P)

It was a rainy and stormy eve.  The puzzle was making us 'MAD', so out to dinner we went...

Steve studies the menu.

Alex's famous pose... I have this pose in many other photos.

Keith just chillin'.  :)
The Dunes Restaurant is a place that you can skip.  They do have darn delicious hush-puppies though!

The weather improves the next day, and after hitting DON GATOS for a fantastic lunch we drive around...

Hey, it Steve after hitting the ATM.

Alex playing it cool in the back of the car.

Pirates Cove, not just a miniture golf adventure, but a place to punish Steve in the stocks.  (Photo courtesy of:  Alex L)

The natives go out and hit the greens.
David won, with Keith and Steve close behind.

Maggie prepares to finish off the hole.
What a perfect way to work off a light meal from DON GATOS!  We are eatting here from now on.

Our last day packing up to leave, Elena and Steve are the last ones to ride the elevator.  Obviously Steve is shocked by Alex's candid camara.
