
New York, NY

New York City has always been quite accessible from Northern Virginia, where Rebecca and Jeffrey both live. The trip was always affordable and New York, NY is just an amazing city to visit. Everyone who hasn't seen New York should go at least once in their lifetime. J & R have been to NYC several times and thoroughly enjoy every trip they make. Whether it's a single day in the Big Apple, or a long weekend.

Jeffrey and Rebecca have made several trips to the big city and have seen many things they liked, but they also have missed some things, too. Below is a table of what they saw.

What they saw: What they would have liked to see:
Flat Iron Building Chrysler Building
Times Square Ellis Island
Central Park Brooklyn Bridge
Modern Museum of Art Musuem of Sex
Ground Zero World Trade Center
Battery Park Statue of Liberty

What are those places all about? Click below to see.


Those places in the table are just some of the tourist-y places to check out. Some of the coolest and most hip hotels are located in NYC, be sure to check out Ace Hotel NYC. J & R have seen the New York International Auto Show a few times, which is always a good and not to mention HUGE show. They have also seen HARD NYC at the well-known Terminal 5 in downtown Manhattan.



Visit New York City's travel and tourist website here.


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